June 2024

5 Jun

India's Election 2024: Hybridization of the Political Regime and the Impact of Hindu Nationalism on the Current Socio-Political Situation in India

The lecture from the series "Law, Power and Politics" focuses on the current elections in India and presents the topic of the hybridization of political regimes and the position of religious and ethnic minorities in India in relation to the spread of the national ideology of Hindutva. The lecture will be given in Czech language.

from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM

12 Jun

Dean's Awards 2024

Dean Tomáš Kašparovský will present awards to the best students of the Faculty of Science of MU. This year's Dean's Awards will be presented to the winners in the category of the Best Bachelor's and Master's Student and to promising scientists in the category of the Best Doctoral Student. It will also recognize a collective of outstanding students.

from 10:00 AM

13 Jun

ERC Scientific Mini-Conference

We would like to invite you to the ERC Scientific Mini-conference on the occasion of Prof Maria Leptin’s visit, President of the ERC

from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM

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