Settling in: Taking Root as a Researcher

Czexpats in Science invite you to a networking event for researchers and everybody interested in science. Come and meet scientists from different backgrounds to share research and personal experiences with settling in and taking root as a researcher. Open to all nationalities, disciplines and career phases.

The event will be conducted in English, and is thus particularly suited for foreign researchers coming from abroad to Czechia.

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Keynote speaker: Matthew Rampley
Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University Brno

You can also look forward to:

  • Panel discussion: Taking root as a researcher
  • Speakers: Dominika Fričová, Oksana Stupak, Somsuvro Basu, Tomáš Čižmár
  • Ample time for networking over drinks & refreshments.

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13:00 Registration & networking
14:00 Opening word by Matouš Glanc (Czexpats in Science)
14:05 Opening word by Pavel Plevka (CEITEC)
14:20 Keynote lecture: Matthew Rampley
15:15 Partner talk: Settling in at Contipro: opportunities, specifics and experience sharing
Kristina Nešporová
15:30 Coffee break & networking
16:00 Partner talk: Euraxess
16:15 Panel discussion: Taking root as a researcher
Dominika Fričová
Oksana Stupak
Tomáš Čižmár
17:15 Final word by Matouš Glanc
17:30 Refreshment & networking
19:00 After party

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