Research at Masaryk University

Research Office Newsletter 7/2020
9 Oct 2020, 13:00


Access to Alternative Metrics in the Altmetric Database

Masaryk University has gained access to a database of alternative metrics of scientific outputs on the Altmetric platform of Digital Science. Alternative metrics are a new tool for measuring the impact of scientific outputs. They are considered as a complement to traditional metrics of publication outputs, such as the impact factor or H-index, which are based exclusively on citations. The Altmetric platform brings unique information about the level of attention gained and the impact of scientific outputs in the form of access to articles, sharing on social networks (professional and general), mentions in news or blogs and the like. As an interesting extension of traditional citations, monitoring this form of social impact of the full spectrum of scientific outputs, including patents, research reports, clinical studies, books, and other outputs, is of interest to all groups of disciplines. Altmetrics allow to monitor other forms of research response in fields where citation analysis is insufficient and traditional databases (WoS or Scopus) do not cover the full range of outputs.

All employees of Masaryk University have access to the database. It is necessary to log in with the email "". For a basic idea, we have created a MU report for you.

Calls for Proposals

MU Internal Calls

Grant Agency of Masaryk University (GAMU)

In mid-September, detailed information regarding the open calls was published on the GAMU website. Specific conditions and important deadlines can be found on the websites of each call.

Internal Grant Agency of Masaryk University (IGA MU)

IGA MU is financed from the financial resources of the Operational Programme Research, Development and Education within the implemented project IGA MU, Reg. No. CZ.02.2.69 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 19_073 / 0016943. In the form of student grants for students in accredited doctoral study programs, it supports an increase in the quality of teaching together with research.

  • Competition period from 15 September 2020 to 30 October 2020
  • More information here.

Specific university research

On 14 September 2020, a competition within specific university research was announced in the categories Support for student projects of specific research and Support for specific research projects focused on the organization of student scientific conferences with a deadline of October 30, 2020. The competition is administered at individual faculties. More information here.


Open Calls


  • The 5th call of program ETA has been announced from September 3 to October 15, 2020.
  • More detailed information, including the parameters of the call, can be found here and internal information for projects from MU here.

TA CR - Environment for Life - Subprogram 3 - topic Socioeconomic research

  • The 4th call has been announced from September 10 to October 28, 2020.
  • More detailed information, including the parameters of the competition, can be found here and internal information for projects from MU here.

TA CR – BiodivRestore Call 2020 (Cofund Call)

  • On October 6th, the BiodivRestore Call 2020 has been announced. The joint call focuses on conservation and restoration of degraded ecosystems and their biodiversity, including a focus on aquatic systems.
  • More detailed information including parameters of the competition can be found here.

GA CR – LA grants CEUS (international projects evaluated on the Lead agency principle, with GA CR in the role of Partner organization), NCN Call – cooperation with Poland

  • On September 16th, the LA grants CEUS Call 2021 has been announced. The Call aims to support international cooperation in basic research and is opened to applicants at any stage of their career.
  • More detailed information including parameters of the competition can be found here.

GA CR – LA grants CEUS (international projects evaluated on the Lead agency principle, with GA CR in the role of Partner organization), ongoing FWF Call – cooperation with Austria

  • On February 22nd, the LA grants CEUS Call 2021 has been announced. The Call aims to support international cooperation in basic research and is opened to applicants at any stage of their career.
  • More detailed information including parameters of the competition can be found here.

GA CR – Urgent Funding SARS-COV-2

  • On April 6th, the Urgent Funding SARS-COV-2 Call has been announced. The Call aims at international cooperation with a direct reference to the current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.
  • More detailed information including parameters of the competition can be found here.

H2020Call ID: H2020-SC6-TRANSFORMATIONS-2018-2019-2020, published on 1st October 2020

H2020€1 billion European Green Deal Call was launched on 18th Smptember, 2020

  • On 22th September, 2020, 20 topics in 10 thematic areas were published; the topics are to tackle climate change, with wide scope of research desciplines to be potentially participate.
  • Deadline model & date: single-stage, January 26, 2021, 17:00 CET.


Oncoming Calls

TA CR – EnerDigit Call 2020 (Cofund Call)

  • The 1st call will be announced during November 2020. The international call will focus on digital transformation for green energy transition.
  • Pre- information can be found here.

TA CR – EuroNanoMed3 Call 2021 (Cofund Call)

  • On November 16th, the 3rd Call will be announced. The international call will focus on Diagnostics and Targeted delivery systems.
  • Pre- information can be found here.

TA CR – CHIST-ERA Call 2020 (Cofund Call)

  • On December 1st, the 4th Call will be announced. The international call will focus on Advanced Brain-Computer Interfaces for Novel Interactions and on Towards Sustainable ICT.
  • Pre- information can be found here.

TA CR – National competence center 2

  • On December 16th, the 2nd Call will be announced.
  • Pre-information can be found here and more detailed information for MU applicants is here.

TA CR – TREND – „Newcomers“

  • On January 13th od 2021, the 4th Call will be announced.
  • Pre-information can be found here and more detailed information for MU applicants is here.


Grants Received


On September 15, the results of the call of the ETA program were published. Of the 26 submitted projects in which MU performed, 4 succeeded. More information is here.

GA CR LA grants CEUS (international projects evaluated on the Lead agency principle, with GA CR in the role of Partner organization), SNSF Call – cooperation with Switzerland

On September 29, the results of the LA-SNSF call were published. Of the 9 submitted projects in which MU performed, 3 succeeded. More information is here.


Events and Training

Planned Research Office Events

Grants Week, registration (13th to 15th October 2020)

MSCA ITN&RISE info-session (22nd October 2020)

Applied Research Funding Landscapes (10th November 2020), introduction of applied national and international landscapes

Other Events

EARMAkonference 2021 (28th to 30th April 2021 in Prague)

Interesting Links and Information

An overview of submitted proposals and the success of MU in grant competitions

We regularly update the list of submitted proposals.

EC & TC CAS Information

  • Association of the ERC Grantees was launched in September 2020. The Association core mission is to highlight, accelerate, and defend fundamental research in Europe. The three core goals: building a community of 10,000 scientists, sharing the results of their work with policymakers and the public, and helping other researchers to submit their applications to the ERC.
  • Expected openings & deadlines of ERC Calls 2021
  • Information booklet on Horizon Europe prepared by Technology Centre of Academy of Sciences CR.
  • Coordinators’ Day on Grant Agreement Preparation. Web streamed information directly from EC on how to prepare Grant Agreement of Framework Programmes projects – 23rd October 2020 09:30-17:00. Primarily for those currently invited to GA preparation, in case of available capacity the event. Is open to anyone.
  • Czech Days for European Research (CZEDER 2020) is taking place on-line on 3rd November 2020, 9 a.m.
  • Widening 2.0. The European Commission is planning a “Widening 2.0” strategy to help newer member states boost their R&D performance. Importantly, as of next year, member states will be allowed to spend up to five per cent of their structural funds on research and innovation projects that meet Horizon Europe’s excellence standards but fail to get grants because of the high level of competition for funds.
  • Horizon Impact Award 2020, a prize dedicated to EU-funded projects that have created a societal impact across Europe and beyond, was awarded on 23rd September 2020. The contest is open to all legal entities, individuals or teams, that have completed an FP7 and/or Horizon 2020 project. Each of the five winners receives €10 000.

More information on the IMPROVE website, calendar of events and news section.


The Newsletter is published by the Masaryk University Research Office. Should you wish to subscribe to our Newsletter, please register here. All the issues of our Newsletter are available in the archive. Should you wish to publish any information in the Newsletter or have any comments, please contact Eva Nagyová.

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Masaryk University
