Publication details

Pokus o novou interpretaci jedné „záslužné“ teorie aneb nezaslouženě zamrzající evoluční ontologie

Title in English An attempt at a new interpretation of a “commendable” theory, or the undeservedly freezing evolutionary ontology

BINKA Bohuslav

Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Filosofický časopis
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Philosophy and religion
Keywords environmental philosophy; evolutionary ontology; theory of science; ecocentrism; higher order theory; information; the value assumptions of science
Description The basic aim of this study is to draw attention to certain inaccuracies in the recent discussion about evolutionary ontology. After a brief resentation of Šmajs’ theory, the author describes his standing in contemporary environmental thought and he classifies evolutionary ontology as “ecological ecocentrism”. In the second part he attempts to show that evolutionary ontology, in its character and claims, belongs to a different level of scientific knowledge than standard scientific theory pertaining to a limited sphere, and that therefore certain critical remarks pointing to its overly-broad range are misplaced. The conclusion of the study reminds the reader of the main controversial points of evolutionary ontology that give rise to discussion. The first of these is the paradox of unappreciated cultural information, the second is the above-mentioned “frozenness” of evolutionary ontological thought and the third is the attempt at a quick expansion of the ready evolutionary-ontological approach.

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