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การวิเคราะห์กลยุทธการแปลบทบรรยายภาพยนตร์ภาษาอังกฤษเรื่อง ‘กวน มึน โฮ’

Title in English An Analysis of Translation Strategies Used in the English Subtitles of the Thai Movie ‘Hello Stranger’


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Proceedings
Keywords translation strategies, subtitles, subtitler, subtitling, non-equivalence
Description Subtitling is considerably one crucial type of translation acting as a significant vehicle in transporting communicating messages across cultures. This research aims to investigate translation strategies employed by a Thai subtitler in rendering the English subtitles of the wellknown Thai movie ?Hello Stranger‘. The list of non-equivalents at word level, occurring when the target language has no direct equivalent for the source-language-word (e.g. ?? and kick), was primarily analyzed according to the eleven categories pervasively proposed by Baker (1992). Once the non-equivalence was identified, eight translation strategies proposed by Baker were used to detect the strategy exploitation in dealing with those items. The frequency of each translation strategy used was revealed in the form of percentage, including plausible explanation for its usage. The results revealed that seventeen translation strategies were employed by the subtitler; seven of them are under Baker‘s proposal. The first three most frequently used strategies were translation by a more neutral word/less expressive word, by cultural substitution, and by using a loan word or a loan word plus explanation. The findings noticeably show that Baker‘s proposal could almost cover the non-equivalent items found in this study. Additionally, it is represented that the subtitler exploited a number of diverse strategies in breaking through numerous barriers so as to render the conveying messages to his target audience.
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