Publication details

První notované zápisy ukrajinského hudebního folkloru

Title in English First notated records of Ukrainian musical folklore


Year of publication 2006
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Národopisná revue
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Art, architecture, cultural heritage
Keywords Ukrajinian Folklore; Collecting folk songs
Description The essay surveys the first hundred years of collecting the Ukrainian musical folklore in a critical way. Within the results of the path-breaking collector s attempts we find a lot of imprecision in the folk-song notations. The most collections of that time followed, however, mainly the practical musical aims and they had not any ethnological ambitions; for all that, one can discover valuable witness of the contemporaly musicality therein. The pre-scientific period of collector s activities is limited by two milestones: the xear 1774 on one hand, when the first notated Ukrajinian folk songs were printed, and the year 1868 on the other hand, when the musical and folkloristic activity of Mykola Lysenko started. With his methods of folk-song collecting and arrangement, Lysenko broke new ground for the scientific ethnographic approach to Ukrajinian musical folklore.

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