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Copyright Aspects of Online Humor

Název česky Autorskoprávní aspekty online humorné tvorby

JEŽEK Michal

Rok publikování 2023
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Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

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Popis The contribution aims to cover legal aspects of online humorous creations, especially in the form of GIFs and memes, in the context of Copyright. GIFs and memes represent forms of modern communication. Millions of these short footage or pictures with catchphrases are shared every day via specialized entertainment platforms (e.g.,, social media (e.g., Facebook), or communication platforms (e.g., Messenger). Most of such creations are well-known globally. They may consist of footage from famous movies (e.g., Downfall), TV shows (e.g., The Simpsons), or a simple parody of a famous painting (e.g., Da Vinci’s The Last Supper). However, according to the local humor tradition, GIFs and memes’ overall interpretation or their catchphrases varies from country to country. The same applies to the target of the humorous message brought by the creation. The consequences differ whether it aims only to amuse somebody or whether it is a form of criticism, political campaign, etc. From the given perspective it should be clarified whether online humorous creations might be characterized and therefore protected as derivative works or whether they might be considered original works.

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