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Demogeografický profil náboženského vyznania obyvateľstva Slovenska za posledných 100 rokov



Rok publikování 2014
Druh Kapitola v knize
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis Slovakia is not only a multi-ethnic, but also a multicultural and multi-confessional space, the current state of which is the result of the long-term historical development of society. The paper outlines the historically conditioned development of the religious structure of Slovakia in the 20th century, compares and analyses the state of this structural feature with the latest censuses. After 1989, Slovakia is undergoing a historically exceptional and unique society-wide transformation, the manifestations of which are reflected in various areas of its functioning and formation. One of the important multidimensional aspects of the functioning and the very constitution of Slovak society, in spite of significant historical and cultural changes, continues to be religion. The question to which the paper tries to find an answer is, among others, who are the persons declaring, especially in the last three censuses, their belonging to a religion or a religious society, who are the persons who stated that they are without religion and, finally, who did not respond to the above question in the censuses at all.

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