Informace o publikaci

The Arts of Medieval Northern Africa


DENNIS Nathan S. BINNING Ravinder S. URBANOVÁ Zuzana

Rok publikování 2024
Druh Editorství tématického sborníku
Popis This thematic issue focuses on the arts of medieval Northern Africa, from the Mediterranean in the north to the Sahel and Horn of Africa in the south. Africa has long resided on the periphery of medieval and early modern studies; its contributions to art, architecture, and ritual experience have been subsumed by larger cultural traditions in Europe and the Levant. More recently, however, both scholarship and museum exhibitions have recentered Northern Africa as a distinct bloc within Western medieval, Byzantine, and Islamic art. Greater attention has thus been given to African iconographies, acts of making, and material traditions in addition to pathways of influence and exchange across continents. The articles in this volume participate in this recentering of medieval Northern Africa, examining works from early Christian, Byzantine, and Islamic centers in Egypt and the Maghreb to the southern kingdoms of Nubia (Sudan) and Ethiopia.

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