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The task of spirituality in life quality and life satisfaction in young people

Název česky Úloha spirituality v kvalitě života a životní spokojenosti u mladých lidí


Rok publikování 2008
Druh Kapitola v knize
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Pedagogická fakulta

Popis The contribution deals with the task of spirituality in life satisfaction and life quality of young people. The theme commenced from the fact that spirituality and everything what is related to religious life of people is a part of the culture of mankind, and from the knowledge of the history of psychosocial and spiritual culture, that the spiritual life is connected with both positive and negative impacts at personal wellbeing and life quality of man. In the first part there is a brief review of existing knowledge and spiritual components of life as religiosity, belief, conscience, religious practices and spiritual non-consciousness, all connected in professional studies and in a tradition with life quality and life satisfaction in a broad sense of the word. In the second part there are the results of the realised explorative heuristic investigation the goal of which was to find existing coherency between spirituality on one side and life quality and life satisfaction on the other in the context of other relevant variables.
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