Publication details

The Non-Myth of the Noble Red: Exploring Brechtian Principles of Storytelling and Performance in the Authoring of a Tangible Narrative



Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference C&C '22: Creativity and Cognition
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Keywords Tangible Narratives; Interactive Narratives; Tangible Interaction; Bertolt Brecht; Research through Design; The Non-myth of the Noble Red
Description World-building is among the most relevant and challenging aspects of authoring an interactive digital narrative. These challenges can even be more significant when designing tangible interactive narratives. The author must define how and when to express the material aspects of the narrative in the real world and how artefacts can support this storytelling process. This poster introduces the creative process of world-building a tangible interactive narrative: The Non-myth of the Noble Red. In this tangible narrative, world-building is based on a Brechtian approach to explore ways in which closing the gap between performance and space can involve the user into a more active role while becoming conscious of the social implications presented in the narrative. Reaching out to principles and concepts brought from theatre and other forms of performative arts places the performative component and discourse of the narrative in the foreground of the experience. This approach can be used to identify considerations that are usually ignored in mainstream interactive experiences by prioritizing the narrative's critical discourse and exploring more artistic and experimental approaches to storytelling.

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