ZRUŠENO: Sustainable development of young athletes

Profesor Jürgen Beckmann je uznávaným odborníkem v oblasti sportovní psychologie. Zveme PhD studenty/ky a vyučujícící na jeho přednášku na téma "Sustainable development of young athletes".

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Traditionally, youth sports has adopted a Darwinist approach: survival of the fittest. However, it becomes more and more clear that this approach has some downsides. First of all, it appears to be next to impossible to identify talents early on. Deliberate practice suggests that children should specialize in sports discipline as early as possible. But experience shows that young athletes' motivation may suffer from this approach resulting in high drop-out rates before reaching peak performance levels. Furthermore, the research found that for different reasons young athletes who were selected as talents because of early successes were later on passed by athletes who were not overly successful at an early age. Additionally, these late starters frequently had longer successful careers than the early winners. Obviously, to become an athlete with a sustainably successful career requires more than the development of motor or tactical skills through deliberate practice. Holistic development of the person rather than merely focusing on the development of athletic skills is necessary for the sustainable development of young athletes. This approach has been referred to as life coaching.

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