prof. RNDr. Libuše Trnková, CSc.
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Počet publikací: 711
Interaction of Selenite with Metallothionein
XXV. International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics of the Bioelectrochemical Society, rok: 2019
Interaction of selenite with metallothionein studied by Brdicka reaction
Monatshefte fur Chemie-Chemical Monthly, rok: 2019, ročník: 150, vydání: 3, DOI
Interplay of redox potential and pKa in aminoferrocene
XXV. International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics of the Bioelectrochemical Society, rok: 2019
Metallothionein and selenite in Brdička reaction
XIX. Workshop of Biophysical Chemists and Electrochemists, rok: 2019
New Strategy in Electroanalysis: Elimination Voltammetry on Polymer Pencil Graphite Electrodes
Rok: 2019, druh: Konferenční abstrakty
Oxidation potentials of guanine species
XIX. Workshop of Biophysical Chemists and Electrochemists, rok: 2019
Oxidation potentials of guanine, guanosine and guanosine-5 '-monophosphate: Theory and experiment
Electrochimica Acta, rok: 2019, ročník: 318, vydání: SEP 20 2019, DOI
A Potentiometric Study of the Briggs-Rauscher Oscillatory Reaction in a Solution of Nonionic Surfactants and tert-Butanol
International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, rok: 2018, ročník: 50, vydání: 7, DOI
A Potentiometric Study of the Briggs-Rauscher Oscillatory Reaction in a Solution of Ionic Surfactants and Tetrabutylammonium Hydrogensulphate
ChemistrySelect, rok: 2018, ročník: 3, vydání: 39, DOI
Differences of redox behaviour of ferrocene derivatives in buffered and unbuffered aqueous solutions
XVIII. Workshop of Biophysical Chemists and Electrochemists, rok: 2018