RNDr. Ludmila Tvrzová, Ph.D.
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Počet publikací: 49
Degradation of 5-nitroguaiacol by soil bacteria of the genus Rhodococcus
Folia Microbiologica, rok: 2004, ročník: 49, vydání: 5
Degradation of 5-nitroguajacol by soil bacteria of the genus Rhodococcus
Folia Microbiologica, rok: 2004, ročník: 49/2004, vydání: 5
The application of chemotaxonomic methods in reclassification of the strain CCM3356
23.Kongres Československé společnosti mikrobiologické (abstrakty), Brno, 6.-9.9.2004, rok: 2004
Use of the polyphasic taxonomic aproach for classification of bacteria resistant to nitroaromatic pollutants
23.Kongres ceskoslovenské spolecnosti mikrobiologické (abstrakty), Brno, 6.-9.9.2004, rok: 2004
4-nitrocatechol and 5-nitroguaiacol degradation by Rhodococcus opacus C6-1 isolated from soil
The 1st FEMS Congress of European Microbiologists, Abstract Book., rok: 2003
Degradace 4-nitrokatecholu půdními bakteriemi rodu Rhodococcus
Zborník abstraktov prác diplomantov a doktorantov, rok: 2003
Degradation of nitroaromatic compounds by bacterial strains P1P and P3A
The 1st FEMS Congress of European Microbiologists, Abstract Book., rok: 2003
Degradation of nitroaromatic compounds by members of the genus Rhodococcus
Rok: 2003, druh: Konferenční abstrakty
Biodegradation of 4-nitroguaiacol by a new strain of the genus Arthrobacter
The World of Microbes - X th International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology, rok: 2002
Degradace 4-nitrokatecholu, 5-nitroguajakolu a 3-nitrofenolu kmenem Rhodococcus opacus C6-1
XI. Tomáškovy dny 2002, rok: 2002