Chess Club MU

Celouniverzitní spolek

O nás

We are the first official faculty-wide club sheltering chess enthusiasts across MU.

Co je naším posláním?

Our plan is to make the beautiful game of chess accessible to everyone - regardless of prior experience, skill level or game knowledge!

Co děláme

We gather weekly to play, analyze and study chess in a friendly environment of
people who share the passion.

With more people joining over time, we plan on introducing monthly lectures
explaining fundamental ideas and strategies and organizing tournaments for
players to test out their capabilities.

Our club is currently awaiting a response from a financial aid program which
would allow us to finance more boards, chess clocks and literature.

We are open to any recommendations regarding the organization and structuring
of our meetings - feel free to contact either of the coordinators with
interesting ideas!


Chess Club MU

Kde nás najdete

Jak nás kontaktovat

Tomáš Onufrák



Renata Sasková



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