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Diagnostics of malign ovarian tumors by ultrasound and CA 125 – our experience

Název česky Naše zkušenosti v diagnostice karcinomu ovaria pomocí ultrazvuku a CA 125


Rok publikování 2013
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Lékařská fakulta

Obor Gynekologie a porodnictví
Klíčová slova ovarian cancer, ultrasound, CA 125
Popis Introduction Ovarian cancer (OC) screening does not exist. Almost 70 % of cases are detected in FIGO stages III – IV. Objective The aim of the study is to evaluate retrospectively a sensitivity and specificity of CA 125 and “simple rules” ultrasound (US) criteria in the hands of an experienced sonographer in diagnostics of malign ovarian tumors. Methods Patients with suspicious adnexal masses (2010 – 2012), was conducted US and CA 125 was taken. According to final histology we evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of pre-operative staging. We have used the 2-step model (IOTA) for diagnostics an OC and borderline tumor (BTO) by US. The reference level for positivity of CA 125 is determined to more than 35 kU/L. Results In 2010 - 2012 we evaluated 347 tumors (125 malign – 101 invasive OC and 24 BTO, 222 benign). Malign ovarian tumor was detected by US in 118 (sensitivity 94 %, specificity 93 %) and by CA 125 in 93 cases (sensitivity 68 %, specificity 69 %). Invasive OC was diagnosed by US in 99 (sensitivity 98 %, specificity 93 %), BTO in 19 cases (sensitivity 79 %, specificity 93 %). Invasive OC was diagnosed by CA 125 in 80 (sensitivity 74 %, specificity 69 %), BTO in 13 cases (sensitivity 46 %, specificity 69 %). Conclusions Pre-operative US divides accurately adnexal masses in benign and malign. The sensitivity and specificity of CA 125 for detection of malign ovarian tumor is lower than US, most for early stages of OC and BTO.

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