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The nominal case systems in Uralic and Altaic languages



Rok publikování 2017
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis The partial systems of nominal declension in Balto-Fennic and Saamic are analyzed here from the point of view of their internal structures. Finally, their common protosystem is reconstructed. This result is compared with case systems in all remaining branches of the Uralic language family. The most probable correspondences represent a base for reconstruction of the protosystem of the Uralic nominal declension. Our conclusions imply the closer position of Mordvinian to Fenno-Saamic than to Mari, in agreement with the results of glottochronological tests. In the section B the partial case systems of nouns in Altaic language family are summarized and reconstructed and finally mutually compared, to obtain the hypothetical Altaic case protosystem. For this reason the existing comparisons were verified, some of them were replaced by new cognates. A special attention was paid to the Korean case system with respect of Old Korean materials.
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