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An Alien In The Microlithic Assemblage : Functional Analysis Of A Large Tanged Tool From The Early Mesolithic Settlement Of Městec/Ostrov (Czech Republic)



Rok publikování 2022
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Klíčová slova Early Mesolithic; Preboreal; Late Glacial; Tanged lithic point; Functional analysis
Přiložené soubory
Popis The article deals with an atypical large tanged tool from the archaeological site of Městec/Ostrov in Eastern Bohemia (Czech Republic) found in a context of the microlithic assemblage typical for local Early Mesolithic settlement. This tool differs from a majority of lithic artefacts excavated on this site from technological as well as typological point of view. Morphologically it reminds Late Glacial Northern European tanged points, which were used as components of projectile weapons. However, an abrupt retouch shaping a tip of the analysed tool would be inconvenient for this kind of utilization. The functional analysis resulted in the outcome that, at least in the last stage of the artefact biography, it was not used as a projectile point, but rather as a multifunctional domestic tool, which could have been used for processing of various material (wood, bone and soft animal tissues). Traceological analysis suggests that the terminal part of the artefact was used as a borer, while the lateral edges were used for cutting and whittling. Finally, the occurrence of this tool type in this context is discussed. It remains unclear, whether this artefact represents a northern import, or if it is a Late Glacial reminiscence or even admixture. Also, it cannot be decided, if it was originally manufactured as a domestic tool, or if it is a reutilized tanged point.

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