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European-Southeast Asian HEI Collaboration. Environmental Initiatives to Protect Nature, Marine Life, and Local Fishery - and the Tasks of HEI Education


JANÍK Zdeněk RUGE Dorte WIN Aung NAUNG Sai Sai Htun

Rok publikování 2024
Druh Konferenční abstrakty
Popis The aim is to share reflections on the potential, intercultural HE student learning outcomes from an online ESD-ESD, European-Southeast collaboration. Zdeněk Janík and Dorte Ruge are collaborating on this topic in the SustainComp Erasmus Project, where we have become aware of the educational potential, but also the related challenges to teach action competence in a meaningful way at European HEIs. A major challenge is related to the transnational and global features of environmental problems; in this case related to plastic pollution of the sea and marine sectors in Southeast Asia. The research question we ask is: How can HEI students’ online collaboration structured around COIL and the ‘Trash Hero’ and similar initiatives contribute to sustainable competences, interculturality and concrete local actions for reduction of the impact of plastic pollution both in Southeast Asia and in Europe? The authors Dorte Ruge, Zdeněk Janík and HEI students reflect on this question in a cross-professional, cross-country, Western-Asian and interdisciplinary perspective. The challenges related to this form of ESR will include perspectives on in-equality, democracy, security and solidarity.

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