Informace o publikaci


Název česky Ortoptika


Rok publikování 2012
Druh Konferenční abstrakty
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Lékařská fakulta

Přiložené soubory
Popis First part of presentation reminds basic strabismus terms as amblyopia, eccentrically fixation or anomaly retinal correspondence. After that we will discuss processes and methods of treatment these pathological conditions, which precedes orthoptic training. Briefly we will talk about pleoptic treatment with occlusion and treatment with many pleoptic devices. Last part of presentation is dedicated to orthoptic training – prerequisites of orthoptic training, methods, which we use in Czech Republic – therapy with a troposcope, therapy with cheiroscope, training with stereoscopes, Remy's separator, diploscope and training of stereo vision of simple binocular vision, consolidation of simple binocular vision by reading with image divider, and also training of motility and convergence. Part of this section is specialized to introducing orthoptic workplaces in Czech Republic for these patients. After that we will discuss how you can gain the license for providing the orthoptic therapy in Czech Republic.

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