Masaryk University Internal Evaluation Board
Rules of Procedure

In accordance with section 36, subsection 2 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on the Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (the Higher Education Act), the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports registered the Masaryk University Internal Evaluation Board Rules of Procedure on 7 April 2017 under Ref. No. MSMT-8889/2017.

In accordance with section 36, subsection 2 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on the Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (the Higher Education Act), the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports registered modification No. I to the Masaryk University Internal Evaluation Board Rules of Procedure on 27 May 2021 under Ref. No. MSMT-14650/2021-1.

Mgr. Karolína Gondková
Director of the Department of Higher Education Institutions

(applicable from 1 June 2021)
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Section 1
General Provisions

(1) The Masaryk University Internal Evaluation Board (hereinafter referred to as “MUIEB”) Rules of Procedure constitute an internal regulation in accordance with section 17, subsection 1, letter k of Act No. 111/1998 on Higher Education Institutions and on the Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (the Higher Education Act), as amended (hereinafter referred to as “Act”), and section 54, subsection 2, letter d of the MU Statutes.

(2) The MUIEB Rules of Procedure (hereinafter referred to as the "Rules of Procedure") regulate the actions of MUIEB.

Section 2
MUIEB Activities

(1) MUIEB is a self-governing academic body of MU established by the MU Statutes, responsible for the quality assurance and evaluation of MU activities.

(2) In accordance with the Act, MU Statutes, Masaryk University Educational, Creative and Associated Activities Quality Assurance and Internal Evaluation System Guidelines (hereinafter referred to as "Quality Assurance System Guidelines") and the internal regulation on Degree Programme Quality Approval, Management and Evaluation, MUIEB specifically:

a) approves proposed Quality Assurance System Guidelines;

b) manages the internal quality evaluation of MU's educational, creative and associated activities;

c) prepares reports on the internal quality evaluation of MU's educational, creative and associated activities as well as supplements to such reports;

d) administers regular reports on the internal quality evaluation of MU's educational, creative and associated activities;

e) approves degree programmes within an educational area or areas in which MU holds institutional accreditation;

f) approves proposals for the submission of applications requesting the granting, expansion or extension of degree programme accreditation to the National Accreditation Bureau for Higher Education.

Section 3
MUIEB Membership

(1) MUIEB has 15 members who are designated, appointed and dismissed in accordance with section 9 of the MU Statutes. MUIEB members actively participate in MUIEB sessions and activities taking place between sessions. MUIEB membership is incompatible with the position of vice-rector, dean, vice-dean or director of a university institute at MU.

(2) MUIEB members, with the exception of members born after 1 December 1971, are obliged, in connection with their appointment, to comply with Act No. 451/1991 Coll., determining some further prerequisites for certain positions in state bodies and organizations of the Czech and Slovak Federative Republic, the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic, as amended, i.e. to submit a lustration certificate issued by the Ministry of the Interior and an affidavit in accordance with section 4, subsection 3 of the same Act.

Section 4
Proposal Submission

(1) Proposals for the discussion of matters by MUIEB, including any supplementary materials, must be submitted electronically no later than thirty days prior to a MUIEB session.

(2) In urgent cases, the MUIEB chair may also include proposals submitted to MUIEB later than within the time limit established in accordance with subsection 1.

(3) MUIEB processes proposals in accordance with the procedure described in section 7 without undue delay. In case a proposal submitted to MUIEB has not been discussed, it is considered as regularly submitted in due time for discussion at the next MUIEB session.

Section 5
MUIEB Sessions

(1) MUIEB sessions are convened by the MUIEB chair as required, usually ten times per academic year. The regular session timetable for a given calendar year is published by MUIEB.

(2) The MUIEB session agenda is established and all necessary documents are made accessible by the MUIEB chair. The MUIEB session agenda is published in electronic form sufficiently in advance.

(3) MUIEB sessions are chaired by the MUIEB chair.

(4) MUIEB sessions are public. In justified cases, parts of a MUIEB session may be closed to the public following a decision issued by the MUIEB chair.

(5) MUIEB sessions focusing on matters associated with degree programmes are attended by the dean of the faculty implementing a relevant degree programme and usually also by the degree programme guarantor; both have the right to appear whenever they so request. A motion calling or the cancellation of a degree programme may be discussed even in case the dean and degree programme guarantor are not present.

(6) The following guests have the right to appear at a MUIEB session whenever they so request:

a) vice-rectors;

b) members of the MU Academic Senate authorized by the MU Academic Senate chair;

c) faculty academic senate chair or an authorized member of a faculty academic senate, in case the discussed matter is associated with a given faculty.

Other persons may appear once approved by the MUIEB chair.

Section 6
MUIEB Quorum Requirements

MUIEB forms a quorum if a simple majority of all MUIEB members are present.

Section 7

(1) Each MUIEB motion is discussed.

(2) Voting is not public.

(3) A MUIEB motion requires the agreement of a simple majority of all MUIEB members.

(4) In case a MUIEB member is also the guarantor of a degree programme under discussion, he/she is precluded from voting on the motion in question. In case a MUIEB member's participation in the discussion and decision-making regarding any given matter could be either advantageous or detrimental to him/her (i.e. constitute a conflict of interest), he/she is required to disclose such facts prior to the commencement of a MUIEB discussion of such matters. Depending on the nature of the matter, MUIEB subsequently decides whether the member in question should participate in voting.

(5) MUIEB sessions are recorded in the form of electronically published minutes; this does not apply to sections summarizing the course of the non-public parts of a MUIEB session. Adopted resolutions are included in published minutes.

Section 8
Correspondence Voting

(1) In urgent cases or in case convening a MUIEB session is not possible or expedient, the MUIEB chair may announce a correspondence vote. This measure does not apply in case an internal MU regulation explicitly guarantees the right to participate in the discussion of a given matter to a person who is not a MUIEB member.

(2) MUIEB members subsequently receive the text of the motion in question along with relevant documents and information on the electronic voting method as well as the designated voting time.

(3) The course and outcome of voting is recorded and subsequently published in electronic form.

Section 9
Common Provisions

The MUIEB chair may delegate any powers enumerated in these Rules of Procedure to the MUIEB vice-chair.

Section 10
Concluding Provisions

(1) The MUIEB chair is tasked with interpreting the provisions of these Rules of Procedure and with monitoring their observance.

(2) These Rules of Procedure have been duly approved in accordance with section 9, subsection 1, letter b, point 3 of the Act by the MU Academic Senate on 03 April 2017.

(3) These Rules of Procedure enter into force in accordance with section 36, subsection 4 of the Act on the day of registration with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.

(4) These Rules of Procedure shall apply from the date of publication in the public section of the MU website.

Assoc. Prof. PhDr. Mikuláš Bek, Ph.D.


(1) Modification No. I to the Masaryk University Internal Evaluation Board Rules of Procedure was approved by the Masaryk University Academic Senate in accordance with Section 9 subsection 1 letter b point 3 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Higher Education Institutions and on the Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (the Higher Education Act), as later amended, on 3 May 2021.

(2) Modification No. I to the Masaryk University Internal Evaluation Board Rules of Procedure shall enter into force in accordance with Section 36 subsection 4 of the Higher Education Act on the day of registration with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.

(3) Modification No. I to the Masaryk University Internal Evaluation Board Rules of Procedure shall enter into effect on 1 June 2021.

Prof. MUDr. Martin Bareš, Ph.D.

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