MU scholarship and bursary regulations

In accordance with section 36, subsection 2 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on the Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (the Higher Education Act), the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports registered the Masaryk University Scholarship and Bursary Regulations on 2 June 2017 under Ref. No. MSMT- 15991/2017.

Mgr. Karolína Gondková
Director of the Department of Higher Education Institutions

(effective as of 1 Jul 2017)

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Part One
General Provisions

Section 1

In accordance with the provisions of section 91 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on the Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (the Higher Education Act), as subsequently amended, (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”) and the Masaryk University Statutes (hereinafter referred to as the “Statutes”), these Masaryk University Scholarship and Bursary Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”) specify conditions and procedures applicable to the awarding of scholarships and bursaries to students of Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as “MU”).

Section 2

(1) Students may be awarded scholarships funded by the state budget contribution for educational, scientific and research, development and innovation, artistic or other creative activity (hereinafter referred to as "creative activity"), state budget subsidies (hereinafter referred to as "subsidies"), the Scholarship Fund or other eligible sources.

(2) Scholarships and bursaries at MU are awarded:

a) within scholarship and bursary programmes in accordance with the provisions of Part 2 of these Regulations;

b) outside of scholarship and bursary programmes in accordance with the provisions of Part 3 of these Regulations;

c) as extraordinary scholarships in cases worthy of special consideration in accordance with section 91, subsection 2, letter e of the Act.

Part Two
Scholarships Awarded within Scholarship and Bursary Programmes

Section 3
Scholarship and Bursary Programme

(1) The following persons are authorized to announce scholarship and bursary programmes:

a) Rector,

b) dean,

c) university institute director

(hereinafter referred to as “scholarship programme administrator”).

(2) The following information must be specified for each scholarship or bursary programme:

a) scholarship programme purpose,

b) scholarship programme duration,

c) students eligible to become beneficiaries of a scholarship or bursary programme and, where appropriate, eligibility conditions required for the awarding of the scholarship or bursary,

d) funding sources for a scholarship or bursary awarded according to a scholarship or bursary programme in accordance with MU financial management regulations,

e) scholarship or bursary funding amount or the manner in which the funding amount is determined,

f) detailed requirements associated with a scholarship or bursary application, including the place and manner of its submission or list of persons authorized to award a scholarship or bursary by virtue of office.

(3) Should a scholarship or bursary awarded according to a scholarship or bursary programme be funded using the state budget educational and creative activity contribution (hereinafter referred to as “contribution”), this fact must be explicitly established in the scholarship or bursary programme and the provisions of section 91, subsections 2 and 4 of the Act must be observed when implementing such a scholarship or bursary programme.

(4) A scholarship or bursary programme is announced as a directive issued by the scholarship programme administrator via the publicly accessible section of the MU website or the website of a relevant constituent part of MU.

(5) Scholarship and bursary programme records are administered in a uniform fashion and must be permanently accessible via the MU Information System.

Section 4
Awarding of Scholarships in Accordance with Scholarship and Bursary Programmes

Scholarships and bursaries awarded within scholarship and bursary programmes are awarded by a scholarship programme administrator. In case the scholarship programme administrator is the Rector or a dean, he or she may re-assign the authority to award scholarships and bursaries to a designated vice-rector or vice-dean.

Part Three
Scholarships Awarded outside of Scholarship and Bursary Programmes

Section 5
Scholarships awarded outside of scholarship and bursary programmes

The following may be awarded outside of scholarship and bursary programmes:

a) scholarship in support of studies in a doctoral degree programme,

b) scholarship in support of creative activities,

c) accommodation grant,

d) scholarship in support of mobility,

e) scholarship in accordance with section 91, subsection 3 of the Act.

Section 6
Scholarship in Support of Studies in a Doctoral Degree Programme

(1) A scholarship in support of studies in a doctoral degree programme in accordance with section 91, subsection 4, letter c of the Act may be awarded to a student enrolled in full-time doctoral degree programme studies as long as his or her duration of studies has not exceeded the standard duration of studies for that programme. In case the standard duration of studies in an active degree programme has been exceeded once all periods spent on previous unsuccessful studies in doctoral degree programmes have been added, the scholarship may not be awarded.

(2) A standardized scholarship amount is awarded regularly on a monthly basis. Scholarship eligibility ceases to exist on the last day of a calendar month in which one of the following events occurred:

a) interruption of studies,

b) termination of studies,

c) change of study mode,

d) expiry of studies which a scholarship has been awarded for, or

e) entry into force of a decision issued in accordance with section 13, subsection 3 of these Regulations.

A decision regarding conditions specified under letters a to d may be issued even in advance.

(3) A decision to award a scholarship in support of studies in a doctoral degree programme is issued by virtue of office within 30 days from the date of enrolment in studies or from the date of re-enrolment in studies following an interruption.

(4) The minimum scholarship amount applicable to the scholarship in support of studies in a doctoral degree programme is announced in a Rector's directive for each calendar year following the announcement of the calculated scholarship amount for doctoral degree programmes used to establish the MU contribution for a given calendar year by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (hereinafter referred to as "MEYS").

(5) This section does not apply to cases where students have been awarded MEYS scholarships in support of the studies of international students at public higher education institutions in the Czech Republic and students enrolled in foreign language programmes with no MEYS scholarship contribution.

(6) The scholarship in support of studies in a doctoral degree programme is awarded by:

a) the dean of a faculty which the student is enrolled at in accordance with subsection 1,

b) a vice-rector designated by the Rector in case the student is enrolled in a degree programme implemented by MU or a university institute director in case the student is enrolled in a degree programme implemented by MU and a university institute.

Section 7
Scholarship in Support of Creative Activity

(1) A scholarship in support of creative activity may be awarded to a student in accordance with section 91, subsection 2, letter b of the Act for excellent research, development and innovation, artistic or other creative results and in accordance with section 91, subsection 2, letter c for research, development and innovation activities. Rules governing the awarding of scholarships associated with MU Grant Agency programmes are further specified by the agency.

(2) The scholarship in support of creative activity is awarded by:

a) a vice-rector designated by the Rector in case of creative activity associated with MU as a whole,

b) a faculty dean or university institute director in the case of creative activity associated with a faculty or a university institute.

Section 8
Accommodation grant

(1) In accordance with section 91, subsection 2, letter e of the Act, the accommodation grant is awarded to a student who:

a) is enrolled in a full-time degree programme;

b) is enrolled in a degree programme which constitutes his or her first degree programme at a university in the Czech Republic, unless this degree programme is his or her first Master's degree programme following a Bachelor's degree programme or his or her first doctoral degree programme in the case of a Master's degree programme graduate;

c) has not exceeded the standard duration of studies in any of the degree programmes he or she is concurrently enrolled in;

d) does not have a permanent residence address within the Statutory City of Brno (Brno City district);

e) is not a scholarship beneficiary in accordance with a scholarship and bursary programme announced by the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports in accordance with section 91, subsection 6 of the Act;

f) confirmed the fulfilment of the above conditions and expressed his or her interest in receiving an accommodation grant using the relevant application form in the MU Information System.

(2) The fulfilment of accommodation grant eligibility requirements specified in subsection 1 is verified on the basis of data in the register of students kept in accordance with subsection 34 of the MU Statutes. Conditions set out in subsection 1, letter b are preserved in case a student is enrolled in a degree programme which he or she transferred to from a degree programme listed in subsection 1, letter b. When verifying the fulfilment of requirements in accordance with subsection 1, letter b, studies which the applicant has enrolled in and which he or she completed 5 / 8 between 1 May and 30 October of the same calendar year are not taken into account.

(3) The accommodation grant is awarded on a bi-annual basis. The first scholarship period starts on 1 January and ends on 30 June, the second scholarship period begins on 1 July and ends on 31 December. Students who enrol in studies during the scholarship period are eligible for the accommodation grant for part of the scholarship period beginning with their enrolment in studies; this does not affect the accommodation grant amount.

(4) Details associated with the verification procedure of scholarship awarding conditions specified in subsection 1, data collection deadlines, scholarship amounts and additional information required for the disbursement of the accommodation grant are determined by the Rector.

(5) The accommodation grant is awarded by a vice-rector designated by the Rector. He or she is also authorized to approve an exception from conditions specified in subsection 1 of this section. In the case of applications for exceptions submitted by students registered with the Support Centre for Students with Special Needs (hereinafter referred to as "SCSSN"), decisions on exceptions will take into account the opinion of the SCSSN director.

Section 9
Scholarship in Support of Mobility

(1) A scholarship in support of mobility may be awarded:

a) in accordance with section 91, subsection 4, letter a, of the Act to a student of MU in order to meet part of the costs associated with studies at an international university,

b) in accordance with section 91, subsection 4, letter b, of the Act to an international student in order to meet part of the costs associated with studies at MU.

(2) A scholarship in support of mobility is awarded on the basis of an application submitted by an applicant eligible to do so in accordance with subsection 1 by a vice-rector designated by the Rector.

Section 10

(1) A bursary is awarded to a student who fulfils requirements specified in section 91, subsection 3 of the Act.

(2) Details associated with the verification procedure of bursary awarding conditions specified in subsection 1, data collection deadlines and additional information required for the disbursement of bursaries are determined by a Rector's directive.

(3) A bursary is awarded by a vice-rector designated by the Rector.

Part Four
Scholarship Awarded in Exceptional Cases

Section 11
Scholarship Awarded in Exceptional Cases

(1) A scholarship awarded in exceptional cases may be awarded to a student in accordance with section 91, subsection 2, letter e of the Act in cases worthy of special consideration, even by virtue of office.

(2) A scholarship awarded in exceptional cases may be awarded by the Rector, faculty dean or university institute director. Authorization to award a scholarship may be delegated to a designated vice-rector or vice-dean.

Part Five
Common Provisions

Section 12
General Provisions

(1) Proceedings subject to these Regulations are governed by section 68 of the Act. Unless otherwise stipulated by law or by these Regulations, proceedings are conducted in accordance with Act No. 500/2004 Coll., the Administrative Procedure Code, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Administrative Code").

(2) A scholarship or bursary can only be awarded to a student enrolled at MU both at the time of application submission and on the day of decision issuance. A scholarship or bursary payment may be made to a graduate within 30 days of his or her closure of studies.

(3) A scholarship or bursary may be awarded on the basis of an application or by virtue of office. Where a decision is made by virtue of office, proceedings are initiated by the issuance of that decision. Where a scholarship is awarded on the basis of an application, proceedings are initiated on the day when the application is received by the Rector, dean or university institute director.

(4) Compulsory application components include the student's name and surname, university ID number, date of birth, permanent residence address or correspondence address in case electronic delivery via the information system is not possible, bank account number designated for scholarship payment, application subject matter and, in case the application is not submitted through the MU Information System, the student's signature. Additional application components may be specified by measures and specifications listed in sections 7, 8 and 10. In case the application does not contain the prescribed components or suffers from other defects, the student will be offered help in order to remedy any deficiencies or be instructed to remove them within a reasonable period of time (section 37, subsection 3 of the Administrative Code).

(5) In case the determining authority ascertains the existence of a fact which justifies the cessation of proceedings (section 66 of the Administrative Code), the proceedings will be terminated.

Section 13
Scholarship Withdrawal and Reduction

(1) The authorization to award a scholarship or bursary also includes the authorization to decide on its withdrawal or reduction.

(2) The authority responsible for awarding a scholarship or bursary decides on its withdrawal or reduction in case a student ceases to meet the conditions for its awarding or conditions for its implementation specified in the awarding decision, directive announcing the scholarship or bursary programme or measures and regulations stipulated in these Regulations.

(3) A scholarship in support of studies in a doctoral degree programme in accordance with section 6 may be withdrawn in the event of failure to fulfil an individual study plan in case withdrawal is suggested to the dean by the doctoral board of the relevant doctoral degree programme.

(4) A procedure on the withdrawal or reduction of a scholarship or bursary is initiated by a notice of initiation. A student has the right to inspect documents associated with the decision proceedings (section 38 of the Administrative Code).

Section 14

(1) A decision must be issued in writing. It must contain a statement on the awarding/withholding/reduction/withdrawal of a scholarship or bursary (section 68, subsection 2 of the Administrative Code), a justification (section 68, subsection 3 of the Administrative Code) and instructions on the possibility of appealing the decision (section 68, subsection 5 of Administrative Code). In case a scholarship or bursary is awarded, the decision also includes the amount, method of payment and payment date(s).

(2) The decision is delivered in a manner specified in section 36 of the MU Statutes.

(3) The decision enters into force:

a) on the following day after the expiry of the deadline for filing an appeal against the decision,

b) on the following day after the student has relinquished in writing his or her right to appeal against the decision,

c) on the following day after the student has withdrawn the appeal, or

d) on the following day after the student received the Rector's decision to appeal against the decision.

Section 15

(1) A decision may be appealed by the student no later than within 30 days from the receipt of the notification (section 68, subsection 4 of the Act). In addition to including components listed in section 12, subsection 4, sentence 1, the appeal must also describe the perceived discrepancy between the decision or the procedure preceding the decision and the law or internal regulations of MU or a constituent part of MU. Additional requirements of the appeal are governed by section 81 of the Administrative Code.

(2) The appeal is to be submitted to the authority responsible for issuing the decision.

(3) The authority responsible for issuing the contested decision may cancel or change the decision to fully comply with the appeal. In case grounds for proceedings in accordance with the first sentence are not established, the file is transmitted without undue delay to an appellate administrative authority. The appellate administrative authority is the Rector (section 68, subsection 5 of the Act).

(4) An appeals procedure decision is issued by the Rector within a period of 30 days. The period begins on the day when the file is submitted to the Rector. The Rector's decision cannot be appealed.

Section 16
Scholarships and Bursary Payment

(1) Scholarships and bursary payments are made either on a one-time basis or in instalments once the decision to award a scholarship or bursary has taken effect; the total amount, amount of individual instalments and payment dates are determined by the decision to award the scholarship or bursary in question. In case a scholarship or bursary payment cannot be made within the stipulated time limit due to obstacles on the part of the student, the body awarding the scholarship may decide to set an alternative payment date, withdraw the scholarship or bursary or reduce the amount.

(2) Scholarship and bursary payments are wired to a bank account designated by the student. Scholarship and bursary payments are made in Czech crowns.

(3) In the case of an awarded scholarship or bursary, unless awarded in accordance with sections 8 and 10, a payment method different from the method specified in section 2 may be utilized at the student's request.

Section 17
Scholarship-related Information Announcement

MU, faculties and university institutes publish a report on scholarships and bursaries for the past calendar year by 31 March of each year in the public section of their website. This report includes namely announced scholarship and bursary programmes, the number of students who were awarded a scholarship or bursary, including extraordinary scholarships, and the total amount of scholarship and bursary payments made in a calendar year. The MU Academic Senate or faculty academic senates may, with regard to the protection of personal data, specify the announcement of other scholarship-related information.

Part Six
Temporary and Concluding Provisions

Section 18
Temporary Provisions

(1) Scholarships and bursaries awarded in accordance with previously valid Regulations will be disbursed after the date of entry into force of these Regulations according to conditions set out in the decisions on their awarding.

(2) Scholarship and bursary programmes announced in accordance with the Masaryk University Scholarship and Bursary Regulations registered with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports on 13 April 2006 under Ref. No. 8 096/2006-30, as amended, shall remain in force even after the entry into force of these Regulations.

(3) Unsuccessfully completed doctoral studies will be added to the standard duration of studies in accordance with section 6, subsection 1 in the case of students enrolled in studies from 1 September 2017.

Section 19
Concluding Provisions

(1) The Masaryk University Scholarship and Bursary Regulations registered with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports on 13 April 2006 under Ref. No. 8 096/2006-30, as subsequently amended, are hereby abolished.

(2) These Regulations have been duly approved in accordance with section 9, subsection 1, letter b) of the Act by the MU Academic Senate on 15 May 2017.

(3) These Regulations enter into force in accordance with section 36, subsection 4 of the Act on the day of registration with MEYS.

(4) These Regulations shall apply from the date of publication in the public section of the MU website.


Assoc. Prof. PhDr. Mikuláš Bek, Ph.D., m.p.

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