Regulations on Competitive Selection Procedures at Masaryk University

In accordance with Section 36(2) of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on the Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (the Higher Education Act), the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports registered the Masaryk University Selection Procedure Regulations under Ref. No. MSMT-23561/2022-4 as of the date of signing the registration.

(e-signed 29 Aug 2022)
Mgr. Karolína Gondková
Director of the Department of Higher Education Institutions

(effective from 1 Jan 2023)
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Section 1
Basic Provisions

(1) The Masaryk University Selection Procedure Regulations (hereinafter referred to as “Regulations”) constitute an internal regulation in accordance with Section 17(1)(f) Act No. 111/1998 on Higher Education Institutions and on the Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (the Higher Education Act), as amended (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”), in conjunction with Section 44 of the MU Statutes.

(2) The Regulations apply to the recruitment of staff, including academic employees, under Section 77 of the Act.

(3) For the purposes of these Regulations, a selection procedure means a procedure which finds out the qualifications of candidates for a particular position according to predefined requirements.

(4) For the purposes of these Regulations, heads of MU constituent parts include deans, the bursar, university institute directors and directors of university facilities.

(5) For the purposes of these Regulations, the head of a unit means the head of the organizational unit where the job was established, typically a department, institute or office.

(6) The Regulations define principles of and guidelines for selection procedures. The conditions for advertisement, course and conclusion of a particular selection procedure are determined by the head of an MU constituent part in accordance with the Regulations.

Section 2
Selection Procedure Principles

Selection procedures are conducted in accordance with the following principles based on OTMR (open-transparent-merit-based recruitment):

a) Openness. Job vacancies are advertised so as to be accessible to all candidates and to address the widest possible range of potential candidates.

b) Transparency. The selection procedure is simple and clear. Candidates outside of MU have the same access to information about the selection procedure as those employed by MU.

c) Merit-based candidate evaluation. Candidates’ evaluation is based on clear and objective criteria which ensure that the most suitable candidate is selected for the job by an independent and trained selection committee.

d) Equal opportunities. Any expression of discrimination or unequal treatment in the selection procedure is unacceptable. The selection procedure is conducted with the respect to all candidates, taking into account the specifics of various social groups and respecting the candidates’ specific requirements following from a disability or other disadvantage.

e) Efficiency. Selection procedures are held without undue delay and represent a minimum administrative burden for the candidates and the selection committee. Electronic communication and documentation means are preferentially used in selection procedures.

f) Gender balance. A reasonable gender balance of the selection committee is ensured in selection procedures; gender stereotypes in the evaluation of candidates are excluded.

g) Protection of rights. Selection procedures include the mechanisms for evaluation and quality control as well as procedures for submitting motions to investigate their course and results. The protection of rights under legal regulations and other MU regulations is not affected by these Regulations and conditions of selection procedures.

Section 3
Groups of Positions and Selection Procedure Requisites

(1) The following groups of positions have been defined, which contain similar job types:

a) Group I: professor, associate professor, academic researcher III and IV;

b) Group II: assistant professor, researcher III and IV, postdoc I to III;

c) Group III: instructor, lecturer I and II, academic researcher I and II, researcher I and II, manager II to IV, specialist III to V, all managerial jobs across all positions except for jobs in group I and II in case both the job and the position are filled;

d) Group IV: extraordinary professor I and II;

e) Group V: all the other positions not mentioned above.

(2) The below requisites have been determined for selection procedures for jobs in groups I to IV.

a) Group I: mandatory selection procedure, advertised in the public part of the MU website at least 30 days before the end of the period for submitting an application in the case of academic employees, publication in English in an international medium, the requirements include an international profile of the candidate and an interview held in person or via remote communication means.

b) Group II: mandatory selection procedure, advertised in the public part of the MU website at least 30 days before the end of the period for submitting an application in the case of academic employees, or at least 7 days before the end of the period for submitting an application in the case of non-academic employees, publication in English in an international medium, the requirements include an international profile of the candidate and an interview held in person or via remote communication means, whereas in case there is only one candidate who meets the requirements of the advertised selection procedure, the interview may be led by the chair or a member of the selection committee authorized by the chair.

c) Group III: mandatory selection procedure, advertised in the public part of the MU website at least 30 days before the end of the period for submitting an application in the case of academic employees, or at least 7 days before the end of the period for submitting an application in the case of non-academic employees, the advertised period of the term of office for managerial jobs conforms to MU regulations, managerial jobs held by academic employees involve both the job and the position.

d) Group IV: the Rector upon a proposal of the head of an MU constituent part decides on filling the vacancy. The following requisites have been determined for filling this type of vacancy:

  1. extraordinary professor I: selection procedure similar to Group I and approval by the scientific board of the relevant MU constituent part,
  2. extraordinary professor II: selection procedure similar to Group I and approval by the scientific board of the relevant MU constituent part and approval by the MU Scientific Board given upon introducing the candidate in person.

e) Group V: if the advertiser decides to advertise the selection procedure, then the advertisement must be made in the public section of the MU website at least 7 days before the end of the period for submitting an application.

Section 4
Advertising the Selection Procedure

(1) Selection procedures are advertised by the Rector, head of an MU constituent part or another MU employee who is authorized to that end (hereinafter referred to as the “Advertiser”).

(2) For a job of the head of a clinic at the Faculty of Medicine, the co-advertiser of the selection procedure is the director of the health care facility concerned. The conditions of such selection procedure may be regulated by a contract with the health care facility.

(3) The Advertiser is entitled to extend, interrupt or cancel the selection procedure.

Section 5
Selection Committee

(1) The Advertiser appoints the selection committee (hereinafter referred to as the “Committee”) by the end of the period for submitting applications. The Advertiser may be both a member and the chair of the Committee. The Advertiser may appoint a standing Committee, which may be supplemented by the Advertiser for the purpose of individual selection procedures under subsection 2.

(2) A member of the Committee is always:

a) a representative of the unit for which the selection procedure is conducted, usually its head. This shall not apply to a selection procedure for the head of a unit. The provision of subsection 3 is not affected thereby;

b) an internationally recognized expert who is not affiliated with Masaryk University or the health care facility concerned, if the selection procedure is conducted for the job of the head of a clinic;

c) an internationally recognized expert who does not permanently work in the Czech Republic and is not a Czech citizen, if the selection procedure is conducted for a job in groups I and IV. In a justified case, a Czech citizen may become a member of the Committee provided all the other conditions of the preceding sentence have been met.

(3) The candidate, a person close to the candidate or a person whose impartiality is doubted for other reasons cannot become a member of the Committee. The facts under the preceding sentence must be promptly communicated to the Advertiser by the Committee member concerned or by the person whom the Advertiser notified of the intention to appoint them a member of the Committee.

(4) Committee members are bound by confidentiality with regard to the facts of which they became aware in connection with the selection procedure, except for communication with other members of the Committee. They may be relieved of the confidentiality obligation by the Advertiser or the Rector.

Section 6
Conclusion of the Selection Procedure and Evaluation of Candidates

(1) The selection procedure is concluded by a decision of the Advertiser on the result.

(2) In the decision-making on the selection procedure result, the Advertiser is bound by the Committee’s conclusions on the selection of successful and unsuccessful candidates. The Advertiser is not bound by the Committee’s conclusions on the ranking of successful candidates. In case the Advertiser’s decision on the selection procedure result differs from the Committee’s conclusions on the ranking of successful candidates, the Advertiser shall be obliged to reason such a decision in writing.

(3) The Advertiser shall inform the candidate about the selection procedure result without undue delay, no later than within 10 days after the conclusion of the selection procedure.

(4) The Advertiser shall publish the information on filling the vacancy in the public part of the MU website in the extent of job title and name of the selected candidate within 10 days after the effective date of the legal act establishing or modifying the relevant labour relation.

Section 7
Waiver of the Selection Procedure

(1) The Advertiser may decide on the waiver of the selection procedure for jobs in groups I to III under Section 3:

a) in case employment with a person who holds the job concerned is concluded or extended;

b) in case the vacancy is filled by a candidate who successfully passed the selection procedure for a similar job at MU no earlier than 12 months before;

c) in case the vacancy is filled by an MU employee based on achievement of the relevant/required qualification and in line with their career plan;

d) in case the vacancy is filled based on the final and conclusive decision of a public authority, fulfilment of the obligation to offer the employee another job after resignation, dismissal from an office or transfer of the employee to other work;

e) on the basis of a justified proposal by the head of the unit for filling the vacancy with a particular candidate. For jobs in Group I, such proposal must be approved by the scientific board of the relevant MU constituent part.

(2) Unless the Advertiser decides otherwise, selection procedures are not held for filling vacancies in Group V.

(3) In justified cases, the head of an MU constituent part may propose filling a vacancy in group IV without a selection procedure. Other requisites for filling a vacancy under Section 3(2)(d) are not affected thereby.

(4) A waiver of the selection procedure shall not affect the obligation under Section 6(4).

Section 8
Selection Procedure Conditions

The head of an MU constituent part shall announce unified conditions of selection procedures at the relevant constituent part of MU, including, but not limited to the below requisites:

a) formal requisites of advertising the selection procedure;

b) the manner of determination of the formal conditions and selection criteria and the method of evaluating their fulfilment;

c) rules of establishing the Committee including the minimum number of its members and their required qualification;

d) duties of the Committee members including training on the rules and process of selection. The duties of the Committee members under these Regulations are not affected thereby;

e) rules of the Committee’s sessions and decision-making;

f) method and period of informing the candidates about accepting their application to the selection procedure;

g) the Committee’s procedure in the evaluation, which contains at least one round for assessing the formal requisites of the application, including the procedure for excluding the application that fails to meet the formal requisites, and one round of the evaluation of the candidates against the selection criteria;

h) method and period of informing the candidates whose application successfully passed the assessment of the formal requisites about further action in the selection procedure and the composition of the Committee;

i) method of documenting the course of the selection procedure and reasons underlying the Committee’s and the Advertiser’s decision-making, including the requisites of the minutes from the Committee’s session;

j) method of storage of the minutes from the Committee’s session and the Advertiser’s decision in accordance with the Document Management Rules;

k) method of filing the candidates’ complaints about the course or result of the selection procedure;

l) method of using remote communication means in the selection procedure.

Section 9
Transitional Provision

The existing Masaryk University Selection Procedure Regulations shall apply to selection procedures advertised prior to the effective date of these Regulations.

Section 10
Final Provisions

(1) The Masaryk University Selection Procedure Regulations registered with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports on 15 December 2017 under Ref. No. MSMT- 34141/2017 are hereby repealed.

(2) These Regulations have been approved in accordance with Section 9(1)(b)(3) of the Act by the MU Academic Senate on 6 June 2022.

(3) In accordance with Section 36(4) of the Act, these Regulations shall enter into force on the day of registration with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.

(4) These Regulations shall enter into effect on 1 January 2023.


prof. MUDr. Martin Bareš, Ph.D.

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