MU Internal Evaluation Board
The Internal Evaluation Board is a self-governing academic body of Masaryk University established within the internal system of quality assurance and evaluation of educational, creative and related activities. The competence of the Internal Evaluation Board is determined by the Higher Education Act, the Statute of Masaryk University and its internal regulations.
The Internal Evaluation Board, within the scope of its activities, in particular:
- manages the course of internal evaluation of the quality of educational, creative and related activities of Masaryk University;
- approves proposals for accreditation, extension of accreditation or extension of the period of validity of degree programmes accreditation;
- decides on the granting of authorization to implement degree programmes;
- controls the fulfilment of quality assurance requirements for the activities of Masaryk University resulting from legal regulations and internal regulations of Masaryk University;
- prepares a report on the internal evaluation of the quality of educational, creative and related activities at Masaryk University and supplements to this report;
- provides methodological assistance in the processes of quality assurance of degree programmes at Masaryk University;
- receives suggestions related to the implementation of degree programmes.
Scheduled meetings of the MU Internal Evaluation Board:
- 24. 9. 2024
- 22. 10. 2024
- 19. 11. 2024
- 10. 12. 2024
- 21. 1. 2025
MU Internal Evaluation Board meetings are held in the Large Meeting Room at Rector's office MU at 9:00 AM in Czech language (unless stated otherwise in the invitation).
MU Internal Evaluation Board Meeting Minutes (in Czech):
- 10. 1. 2023
- 28. 2. 2023 (výjezdní zasedání)
- 21. 3. 2023
- 18. 4. 2023
- 16. 5. 2023
- 6. 6. 2023
- 19. 9. 2023
- 17. 10. 2023
- 13.–14. 11. 2023 (výjezdní zasedání)
- 12. 12. 2023
- 18. 1. 2022
- 22. 2. 2022
- 22. 3. 2022
- 26. 4. 2022
- 24. 5. 2022
- 21. 6. 2022
- 20. 9. 2022
- 25. 10. 2022
- 21. 11. 2022 (výjezdní zasedání)
- 6. 12. 2022
- 28. 1. 2020
- 25. 2. 2020
- 7. – 20. 4. 2020 (hlasování per rollam)
- 28. 4. 2020
- 23. 6. 2020
- 29. 9. 2020
- 27. 10. 2020
- 8. 12. 2020
- Leden* (11. - 12. 1. 2017)
- Únor (28. 2. 2017)
- Březen (28. 3. 2017)
- Duben (18. 4. 2017)
- Květen (30. 5. 2017)
- Červen (20. 6. 2017)
- Září* (13. - 14. 9. 2017)
- Září (26. 9. 2017)
- Říjen (24. 10. 2017)
- Listopad (21. 11. 2017)
- Prosinec (12. 12. 2017)
* Výjezdní zasedání RVH.
Internal regulations and other documents of Masaryk University:
- Statutes of Masaryk University
- Rules of Procedure of the Internal Evaluation Board of Masaryk University
- Masaryk University Degree Programme Quality Regulations
- MU Educational, Creative and Associated Activities Quality Assurance and Internal Evaluation System Guidelines
- MU Directive No. 1/2024 - Rules for the Design of Degree Programmes and Lifelong Learning Programmes
- Masaryk University Strategic Plan
- Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments and Additions to Other Acts (Higher Education Act)
- Government Regulation No. 274/2016 Coll., on Standards for Accreditation in Higher Education
- Government Regulation No. 275/2016 Coll., on Areas of Education in Higher Education
Methodologies and forms
- regarding degree programme accreditation
- degree programme evaluations
- joint/double degree programmes
- lifelong learning programmes
are available in the section Information for degree programme guarantors on the MU Employee Portal.

Support in the activities of the Internal Evaluation Council is provided by the Quality Department of the Rector's Office of Masaryk University:
Faculty Quality Coordinators:
Faculty of Arts
Arna Nováka 1
602 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 5772 |
e‑mail: | |
Faculty of Economics and Administration
Lipová 507/41a
602 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 5209 |
e‑mail: | |
Faculty of Education
Poříčí 997/31a
603 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 7669 |
e‑mail: | |
Faculty of Informatics
Botanická 554/68a
602 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 3499 |
e‑mail: | |
Faculty of Law
Veveří 158/70
611 80 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 5664 |
e‑mail: | |
Faculty of Medicine
Kamenice 126/3
625 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 6480 |
e‑mail: | |
Kamenice 126/3
625 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 5790 |
e‑mail: | |
Faculty of Science
Kotlářská 267/2
611 37 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 7440 |
e‑mail: | |
Faculty of Social Studies
Joštova 218/10
602 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 6956 |
e‑mail: | |
Faculty of Sports Studies
Kamenice 753/5
625 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 5933 |
e‑mail: | |
Kamenice 753/5
625 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 2005 |
e‑mail: | |