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Department of Psychology
Location: |
Arna Nováka 1, 602 00 Brno, Building C
Building entrance: Arna Nováka 1, vstup přes budovu D (main entrance) correspondence Address: Arna Nováka 1/1, 602 00 Brno |
phone: | +420 549 49 1523 |
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Courses taught
Spring 2025 at Faculty of Science
Spring 2025 at Faculty of Arts
- Akademie Arts
- Academic Publication I (PSD_OP1, PSDOP1)
- Academic Publication II (PSD_OP2, PSDOP2)
- ADHD in adulthood
- Applied Work Psychology
- Argumentation seminar
- Art therapy
- Assertive behaviour training
- Bachelor’s Thesis (PS_BA032, PSBA032)
- Bachelor’s Thesis Seminar
- Bachelor's State Exam (PS_BA033, PSBA033)
- Career Kick-off
- Case study seminar
- Clinical Psychology (Primary Field)
- Conducting interview with clients in substitute care II
- Conference Presentation I (PSD_OR1, PSDOR1)
- Conference Presentation II (PSD_OR2, PSDOR2)
- Corporate development and education: Competence of a psychologist
- Crisis intervention
- Data analysis (PSBB039, PSMB003)
- Development center
- Developmental Psychology I
- Didactics of psychology I
- Didactics of psychology II
- Doctoral dissertation (PSD_DP, PSDDP)
- Doctoral Dissertation Summary (PSD_TDP, PSDTDP)
- Doctoral State Exam (PSD_SDZ, PSDSDZ)
- Empirical research: practical classes II
- Ethical Issues in Psychology
- Exner comprehensive system in clinical practice
- Factor analysis
- Family Psychotherapy in Clinical Practice
- Foreign Language (Alternative A - Publication and Paper Presentation in FL) (PSD_CJPR1, PSDCJPR)
- Foundations of wellbeing
- General Psychology (Primary Field)
- General Psychology II: Motivation and Emotion
- Historical and experimental practicum
- How to work with the class
- Intercultural psychology
- Introduction to Clinical Psychology
- Introduction to Coaching for Psychologists
- Introduction to Educational Psychology
- Introduction to Neuroscience
- Introduction to ROR
- Introduction to Work and Organizational Psychology
- Law in Clinical Psychology
- Leisure activities for children and adolescents with ASD
- Marital and Family Counselling
- Master's State Exam
- Master's Thesis
- Master's Thesis Seminar I
- Master's Thesis Seminar II
- Mental Illness - Children and Adolescents
- Methodology of Psychology I
- Modern technologies in psychological research (PSBB059, PSMB062)
- Pedagogical practice 2
- Physiology of the nervous system
- Practical Training in Clinical Psychological Assessment
- Practice empirical research
- Practice empirical research I
- Professional Italian for Students of Psychology - work with specialized texts
- Psychological and Social Skill Development Groups
- Psychological Assessment of Children and Adolescents
- Psychological perspective on selected global challenges
- Psychology
- Psychology for teachers II (SPGPPU004, SUK004, SUP004, UZB004)
- Psychology in Everyday Life: the Past, the Present and the Future
- Psychology of Personality II: Theories of Personality
- Psychology of physical activity (PSBB076, PSMB071)
- Psychometrics
- Psychopathology
- Psychophysiology
- Psychosocial support for people with autism spectrum disorder