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Department of Business Management
Address: | Lipová 507/41a, 602 00 Brno |
phone: | +420 549 49 6927 |
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Courses taught
Spring 2005 at Faculty of Economics and Administration
- Management (C_KHMANA, KHMANA)
- Management in English
- Managerial Accounting (C_KHMAUC, D_MU, KHMAUC)
- Managerial Techniques and Introduction to EU
- Marketing I
- Marketing in English
- Marketing in the EU
- Psychology for Economists
- Public Relations and Public Opinion (C_KHPRVM, KHPRVM)
- Rhetoric and Social Protocol
- Systems of Management (C_KHSYR, KHSYR)
Autumn 2004 at Faculty of Economics and Administration
- Company Logistics
- Corporate Economics I
- Corporate Economics II
- Corporate Management Systems
- Corporate Strategic Management
- Development of Social and Managerial Skills;
- Diploma Seminar
- Economic and Organisational Consultancy
- Economics and Management of Czech Firms
- Economics and Company Management
- Entrepreneurial Activities: Travel Agency
- Entreprise and Cultural Differences
- Entreprise Logistics
- Essential Leadership Skills
- Financial Management (C_KHFMAN, KHFMAN)
- Human Resources Management (C_KHRLIZ, KHRLIZ)
- International Trade
- Introduction to Applied Philosophy (C_KHZAFI, C_KHZAFI_S)
- Introduction to Philosophy (C_KHZAFI_T, KHZAFI, KHZAFI_T, PHZAFI)
- Management
- Management for Market Economy for Small and Medium-sized Entreprises
- Management II
- Managerial Accounting (D_MU, PHMAUC)
- Marketing (C_KHMAR, KHMAR)
- Marketing II
- Marketing in the EU (C_KHMAEU, KHMAEU)
- Marketing Strategy
- Methods of Operational Analysis (C_KHMOAN, KHMOAN)
- Philanthropy
- Psychology for Economists (KHPCHE, KHPCHE_T)
- Psychology of Trade
- Quality Management
- Quality of Goods
- Rhetoric and Social Protocol
- Theory of Business Management
- Trade Contracts and Economic Competition
- Value Management
Spring 2004 at Faculty of Economics and Administration
- Etika ve veřejné správě (C_KHEVS, C_KHPCHE)
- Bachelor Seminar
- Bachelor Work
- Bachelors Seminar
- Bachelors Work
- Business Ethics (C_KHETPO, PHETPO)
- Business Logistics and Transportation
- Case Studies (C_KHPRST, KHPRST)
- Corporate Economics I (C_KHNOPI, KHNOPI)
- Corporate Economics II
- Development of Managerial Skills (C_KHRMD, KHRMD)
- Diploma Seminar
- Diploma Work
- Economics and Management of Czech Firms
- EU Internal Market
- Financial Analysis of a Business
- Global Economics and Strategic Management