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Institute for Research in Inclusive Education
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Poříčí 997/31a, 603 00 Brno, IRSE
correspondence Address: Poříčí 623/7, 603 00 Brno |
phone: | +420 549 49 7271 |
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Courses taught
Spring 2020 at Faculty of Education
- BEHABA-7: Measurement and Experimental Design II
- BEHABA-8: Ethical and Professional Conduct
- BEHABA-9: Intervention and Implementation II
- Behavior Assessment, Identification and Diagnostics (IVc513, IVc713)
- Behavior Change Applications (IVc512, IVc712)
- Behavior Interventions in the Classroom
- Behavioral Approaches to Learning (IVk101, IVp101)
- Block Practice 2
- Block Practice 3
- Communication and Simulation Techniques in Educations of Individuals with Visual Disabilities (SPkK03, SPpK03)
- Compliance Code, Disciplinary Systems and Professionalism
- Concepts and Principles of Behaviour Analysis
- Crisis Intervention (IVk102, IVp102)
- Diploma Thesis (DP_IVIV, DP_IVIV2, IV_DP, IV_DP2)
- Diploma Thesis - Completion (DPd_IVIV, DPd_IVIV2, IV_DPd, IV_DPd2)
- Diploma Thesis - Project (DPp_IVIV, DPp_IVIV2, IV_DPp, IV_DPp2)
- Documentation and ICT in Health Services (IVc504, IVc600, IVc704)
- Education and Support of People with Disabilities 1 (IVk003, IVp006)
- Ethics and Professionalism for Behaviour Technicians
- Gender Sensitive Educational Policy and Practice (IVk002, IVp002)
- Health Services Organization and Management (IVc506, IVc706)
- Health Services Organization, Management and Legal Context
- Inclusive Education (SZ6048, SZ6054)
- Integrating Art Music and Drama into the Curriculum
- Integrative special education
- International Context of Applied Behavior Analysis
- International Standards in Applied Behavior Analysis
- Internationalisation of the Field of Special Andragogy (IVk118, IVp119)
- Intervention and Behavior Program Implementation
- Introduction to Geriatry
- Introduction to Neurology
- Introduction to Special Needs Education - Online
- iPad in Special Education
- Legal Context of Health Services (IVc505, IVc705)
- Methodology 1 (SPDA002, SPDC002)
- Methodology 2 (SPD4_MTO2, SPDA007, SPDC007)
- Ophthalmology
- Opthalmology (SPc311, SPk104)
- Penology (IVk103, IVp103)
- Qualitative research in special education practice
- Quantitative research in special education practice
- Reflective Seminar on Practice 2
- Reflective Seminar on Practice 3
- Research Methods in Special Education 1 (SPk126, SPp126)
- Single-subject Research in Practice (SPk232, SPp232)
- Social Work (SPk127, SPkK21, SPp127, SPp303, SPpK21)
- Special Education
- Special Education 1 (ZS1BK_SP1P, ZS1BP_SP1P)
- Special Education Seminar 1
- Special pedagogy 2
- Speciality - wider scientific basis - Special Andragogy
- Statistics
- Supervised Experience (IVc519, IVc614, IVc716)
- Supervised Experience in Accredited Facility