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Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Address: | Kotlářská 267/2, 611 37 Brno, Pavilion 08 |
phone: | +420 549 49 1482 |
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Courses taught
Autumn 2020 at Faculty of Science
- Bachelor Thesis 2
- Bachelor Thesis 2 (M-UM)
- Bifurcation theory, chaos and fractals
- Category Theory
- Combinatorics
- Data mining II
- Derivatives pricing
- Didactics of Mathematics 2
- Diploma Seminar 1
- Diploma Thesis 1 (M7DPN, MUC_DP1)
- Diploma Thesis 2 (M8DPN, MUC_DP2)
- Diploma Thesis 2, teaching
- Diploma Thesis 3 (M9DPN, MUC_DP3)
- Diploma Thesis 3, teaching
- Diploma Thesis 4 (MADPN, MUC_DP4)
- Diploma Thesis 4,teaching
- Discrete deterministic models
- Discrete mathematics
- Electronic Typesetting and Publishing with TeX
- Functions and equations at secondary school
- Fundamentals of Mathematics
- Galois Theory
- Generalized linear models
- Global analysis
- Graph Theory
- History of Mathematics 2
- Chapters from actuarial mathematics
- Information technology in high-school mathematics
- Internal practice
- Introduction to ICT for mathematicians
- Linear Algebra and Geometry I
- Linear Algebra and Geometry III
- Linear Models in Statistics I
- Logic foundations of mathematics
- Markov chains
- Master state exam - Mathematics
- Mathematical Analysis 1
- Mathematical Analysis 3
- Mathematical Analysis 5
- Mathematical Analysis applications seminar
- Mathematical Analysis I (M1100, M1100F)
- Mathematical Analysis III (M3100, M3100F)
- Mathematical Programming
- Mathematical repetitorium 1
- Mathematical Seminary I
- Mathematical Software
- Mathematics for biologists and biochemists
- Mathematics for Cartography
- Mathematics I (M1010, MIN101)
- Mathematics I - seminar
- Mathematics III
- Methods of Descriptive Geometry I
- Model Categories
- Models of losses in non-life insurance
- Number theory
- Number theory seminar
- Numerical Methods II
- Ordinary Differential Equations I
- Partial Differential Equations
- Pedagogical praxis from mathematics
- Pedagogical praxis from mathematics 2
- Practical didactics of mathematics 1
- Probability and Statistics
- Probability and Statistics I
- Probability theory
- Repetitorium of secondary school mathematics
- Robust and nonparametric statistical methods
- Selected topics of school mathematics
- Seminar from algebra
- Seminar from applied mathematics
- Seminar from differential equations
- Seminar from ordered structures
- Seminar from semigroup theory
- Seminar on high-school mathematics 3
- Seminar on the history and didactics of mathematics 1 (M9571, MD301)
- Seminary of Algebraic Topology
- Spectral Analysis I
- State examination Bc, Mathematics
- State examination Bc, Teacher of Mathematics
- State examination Ms, Descriptive geometry
- State examination Ms, Teacher of Mathematics
- Statistical Inference for Multivariate Data