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Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Address: | Kotlářská 267/2, 611 37 Brno, Pavilion 08 |
phone: | +420 549 49 1482 |
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Courses taught
Spring 2007 at Faculty of Science
- Bc Thesis
- Calculus of Variations
- Coding
- Complex Analysis
- Computer Science
- Computer Science II
- Computer-added teaching in geometry
- Didactics of Mathematics 1
- Difference Equations
- Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces
- Diploma seminar (MA522, MA712)
- Diploma Thesis (M8532, M8720, MA502, MA720)
- Equations of mathematical physics
- Experimantal dsegin - seminar
- Fundamental statistical methods
- Galois Theory
- Game Theory
- Geometry 1
- Geometry 3
- Graph Theory
- Graphic project
- History of Mathematics 1
- Linear Algebra and Geometry 1
- Linear Algebra and Geometry II
- Linear Functional Analysis I
- Linear Models in Statistics II
- Linear programming
- Logic foundations of mathematics
- Mathematical Analysis 2
- Mathematical analysis 3 with Maple
- Mathematical Analysis 4
- Mathematical Analysis II
- Mathematical analysis II - seminar
- Mathematical models in biology
- Mathematical repetitorium
- Mathematical Seminary II
- Mathematical Software
- Mathematics II
- Mathematics II - seminar
- Mathematics of Finance
- Mathematics of Insurance
- Measure and Integral
- Methods of Descriptive Geometry 2
- Methods of Descriptive Geometry IV
- Non-Euclidean geometry
- Nonlinear Functional Analysis
- Nonparametric Smoothing
- Number theory seminar
- Numerical Methods I
- Optimalization
- Partial Differential Equations II
- Pedagogical praxis from descriptive geometry
- Pedagogical praxis from mathematics
- Practicum, Methods of Descriptive geometry
- Probability and Statistics II
- Projective geometry
- Random Processes II
- Selected Topics in Mathematical Analysis (M4140, M8212)
- Selected topics of school mathematics
- Seminar from algebra
- Seminar from ordinary differential equations II
- Seminar of Random Precesses
- Seminar on combinatorics
- Seminar on geometry 2
- Seminar on high-school mathematics 2
- Seminar on the history and didactics of mathematics
- Seminar on the history and didactics of mathematics 2
- Seminary from mathematical modelling
- Set Theory
- Special matrices
- Spectral Analysis II
- State examination Bc, Applied mathematics
- State examination Bc, Descriptive geometry
- State examination Bc, Mathematics
- State examination Bc, Teacher of Mathematics
- State examination Ms, Applied mathematics
- State examination Ms, Descriptive geometry
- State examination Ms, Teacher of Mathematics
- Stochastic models II
- Summary examination, descriptive geometry
- Summary examination, mathematics
- Testing of statistical hypotheses
- Theoretical Numerical Analysis II
- Thesis (E8EXX, EAEXX)