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Department of Condensed Matter Physics
Location: |
Kotlářská 267/2, 611 37 Brno, Pavilion 06
Kotlářská 267/2, 611 37 Brno, Pavilion 09 correspondence Address: Kotlářská 267/2, 611 37 Brno |
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Courses taught
Autumn 2018 at Faculty of Science
Autumn 2018 at Faculty of Informatics
Spring 2018 at Faculty of Medicine
Autumn 2017 at Faculty of Medicine
Spring 2018 at Faculty of Science
- Radiační ochrana ve zdravotnictví (F42, FC240)
- Advanced numerical methods
- Bachelor thesis 1 (F5251K, F5261K, F5601K)
- Bachelor thesis 2 (F6250K, F6252K, F6262K)
- Basics of medical biophysics
- Basics of molecule modelling and bioinformatics
- Bioelectrochemistry 2
- Collective and cooperative phenomena
- Condensed matter physics II
- Condensed matter physics III
- Diploma thesis 1 (F7740K, F7750K, F7760K)
- Diploma Thesis 2 (F8740K, F8760K)
- Diploma thesis 2
- Diploma thesis 3 (F9740K, F9750K, F9760K)
- Diploma thesis 4 (FA740K, FA750K)
- Diploma Thesis 4
- Diploma Thesis Seminar
- Electron microscopy in biology
- Experimental methods and special laboratory B 2
- Introduction to Monte Carlo simulation as a numerical tool
- Introduction to Quantum Mechanics of Molecules and Solids
- Laboratory exercises in biophysics
- Mathematical methods for numerical data analysis
- Metalloproteins: structure and function
- Numerical optimization
- Photosynthesis
- Physics for chemists II
- Physics for chemists II, seminar
- Physics of biopolymers
- Present-day methods in physical modelling
- Priciples of modern optics imaging methods - demonstrations
- Professional experience (F7700K, F7710K)
- Radiation Biophysics
- Selected topics in applied biophysics
- Selected topics in electron microscopy
- Seminar in Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry
- Seminar of Institute of Condensed Matter Physics
- Seminar of molecular modeling
- Solid state physics laboratory
- Spectroscopy of biopolymers
- State examination Ms, Biophysics
- State examination Ms, Physics
- State examination Ms, Teaching
- The molecular interactions in biology and chemistry
- Vibrational spectroscopy of biopolymers
Autumn 2017 at Faculty of Science
- Bachelor thesis 1 (F5251K, F5261K, F5601K)
- Bachelor thesis 2 (F6250K, F6252K, F6262K)
- Basic numerical methods
- Basics of molecular biophysics
- Bioelectrochemistry 1
- Biophysical labs by UFKL
- Biophysics proseminar
- Computer programming
- Computer programming excersize
- Condensed matter physics I
- Diploma Thesis 1
- Diploma thesis 1 (F7750K, F7760K)
- Diploma thesis 2 (F8740K, F8750K)