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Department of Plasma Physics and Technology
Location: |
Kotlářská 267/2, 611 37 Brno, Pavilion 06
Kotlářská 267/2, 611 37 Brno, Pavilion 07 correspondence Address: Kotlářská 267/2, 611 37 Brno |
phone: | +420 549 49 1435 +420 549 49 7914 +420 549 49 7943 |
e-mail: |
Courses taught
Autumn 2007 at Faculty of Science
- Quantum electronics - lasers and masers
- Quantum mechanics
- Selected chapters from plasma diagnostics
- Seminar of Department of Physical Electronics
- Seminar on diploma work 2
- School experiments laboratory 1
- State examination Bc, Astrophysics
- State examination Bc, Biophysics
- State examination Bc, Medical
- State examination Bc, Multi
- State examination Bc, Physics
- State examination Bc, Teaching
- Structure and properties of matter
- Teaching Physics
- Technical laboratory
- Technology for didactics
- The canonical formalism of classical mechanics and field theory
- Vacuum physics 2
- XPS method and its application
Spring 2007 at Faculty of Medicine
Autumn 2006 at Faculty of Medicine
Spring 2007 at Faculty of Science
- Elektřina a magnetismus (F2070, F2080, F5251, F5261, F6252, F9420, FB250, FC042, FC052, FC250)
- Application of electronics
- Bachelor work 2
- Basic optical experiments and their application in the teaching of optics
- Computers physics education 2
- Didactic seminar on physics 2
- Didactic seminar on physics B
- Didactics of physics 2
- Diploma work 1
- Diploma work 2
- Diploma work 3
- Diploma work 4
- Electricity and magnetism
- Electronic laboratory
- Electronics (F5090, F5120)
- Elementary treatments in physics
- Experimental methods and special laboratory A 2
- Gravity seminar
- Introduction to Microphysics
- Laboratory physics for non physics students
- Lectures of visiting professors
- Microwave technique
- Microwave technique and electronics
- Numerical methods in plasma physics
- Optics of thin films
- Particles, field and relativity 2
- Pedagogical practice - seminar
- Physical laboratory 1
- Physical laboratory 4
- Physical principles of some common apparatus 1
- Physics
- Physics from the point of view of a secondary school teacher 1
- Physics in alive nature
- Physics of low temperatures
- Physics revisited 2
- Physics, philosophy and thinking 2
- Plasma physics 2
- Plasma physics laboratory
- Priciples of modern optics imaging methods - demonstrations
- Selected problems of electronics
- Seminar of Department of Physical Electronics
- Seminar on diploma work 1
- Seminar on diploma work 3
- School Experiments Laboratory 2
- School physics and its textbook picture 1
- State examination Bc, Astrophysics
- State examination Bc, Biophysics
- State examination Bc, Medical
- State examination Bc, Multi
- State examination Bc, Physics
- State examination Bc, Teaching
- Surface physics
- Teaching Physics
- Thermodynamics and statistical physics
- Vacuum physics