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Department of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics
Address: | Kotlářská 267/2, 611 37 Brno, Pavilion 06 |
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Courses taught
Spring 2015 at Faculty of Science
- Diploma work 1 (F7750T, F7760T)
- Diploma work 2 (F8750T, F8760T)
- Diploma work 3 (F9740T, F9750T, F9760T)
- Diploma work 4 (FA750T, FA760T)
- Dynamics and evolution of galaxies
- Electrodynamics and theory of relativity
- Electron systems out of equilibrium: The Green's function method
- Elementary concepts and principles of classical mechanics 2
- Elements of astronomy 2
- Elements of physical theories 2
- Functions of complex variable
- Fundamental mathematical methods in physics 2
- Individual study
- Introduction to Supergravity
- Lie groups in physics
- Linear and multilinear algebra
- Mathematics 2
- Open problems of physics of stellar atmospheres and winds
- Physics of hot stars
- Physics of solar system
- Pitfalls of secondary school physics
- Practical astrophysics advanced methods
- Professional experience (F7700T, F7710T)
- Secondary school physics revisited 2
- Seminar of Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics
- Seminar on Mathematical Physics
- Star Clusters
- State examination Bc, Astrophysics
- Stellar atmospheres
- Teaching assistance
- Theoretical Physics 2
- Thermodynamics and statistical physics
- What is life?
Autumn 2014 at Faculty of Science
- Bakalářská práce 1 (F5261T, F6252T, F7700T, F7710T, FA221, FA223, FB320, FB330, FB340)
- Analytical mechanics
- Astronomical excercises
- Astronomical seminar
- Astrophysical data processing methods
- Autumn astronomy course
- Bachelor thesis 1
- Bachelor Thesis 1
- Bachelor Thesis Seminar 1
- Bachelor work 2 (F6250T, F6262T)
- Bachelors' Review 1
- Basic mathematical methods in physics 1
- Computing practice 1
- Diploma Thesis 1
- Diploma Thesis 3
- Diploma work 1 (F7750T, F7760T)
- Diploma work 2 (F8740T, F8750T, F8760T)
- Diploma work 3 (F9750T, F9760T)
- Diploma work 4 (FA740T, FA750T, FA760T)
- Elementary concepts and principles of classical mechanics 1
- Elements of astronomy 1
- Elements of physical theories 1
- General astronomy
- General theory of relativity
- History of Physics
- Individual study
- Integration of forms
- Interesting Physics
- Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
- Lie groups, Lie algebras and gauge fields
- Linear algebra and geometry
- Mathematics 1
- Mathematics a step ahead
- Mechanics and molecular physics