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Department of Experimental Biology
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Kamenice 753/5, 625 00 Brno, Building C13
Kamenice 753/5, 625 00 Brno, Building E25 Kamenice 753/5, 625 00 Brno, Building D36 correspondence Address: Kotlářská 267/2, 611 37 Brno |
phone: | +420 549 49 8913 |
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Courses taught
Autumn 2001 at Faculty of Science
- Veterinární mikrobiologie (B8860, B8970, B9920, BD122, BD131)
- Animal and human physiology
- Animal physiology (B3030, B3070)
- Animal Physiology Seminar I.
- Animal Physiology Seminar III.
- Animal Physiology Seminar V.
- Bacterial physiology (B7020, B7030)
- Basic genetics
- Basic genetics - practice
- Biological bases of cognition functions
- Biological Data Processing
- Biology of waste water treatment
- Biology of wood-rotting fungi
- Biology of yeasts
- Cell biology
- Comparative physiology of invertebrates
- Cytology and morphology of bacteria (B7330, B7340)
- Diploma theses (B9441, B9572)
- Diploma thesis
- Diploma thesis I
- Diploma thesis III
- Electron microscopy (B7070, B9000)
- Fundamentals of antimicrobial therapy
- General virology
- Genetics of microorgansims
- Human genetics
- Chemical properties, structure and interactions of nucleic acids
- Immunology
- Imunology
- Intermittent physiology of mammals
- Introduction to mycology
- Laboratory Imunology
- Master's thesis - part 1
- Master's thesis, practical - part 1
- Mathematical Models in Biology
- Medical microbiology
- Methodology of biological science
- Methods of animal physiology
- Methods of Plant Physiology
- Microbiological Seminar I.
- Microbiological Seminar III.
- Microbiological Seminar V.
- Microbiology (B5710, B7190)
- Microscopic Methods for the Study of Plant Structure
- Microscopical anatomy of the invertebrates
- Mineral Nutrition of Plants
- Molecular and cell biology
- Molecular biology
- Molecular Biology - Practice 1
- Molecular biology and genetics of yeast
- Molecular biology of eukaryotes
- Molecular Biology of Procaryotes - Laboratory Course
- Molecular biology of prokaryotes
- Molecular biology of viruses
- Mutagenesis
- Nucleic acids chemistry - lab. practice
- PC Applications in Molecular Biology and Genetics (B1080, B5000)
- Physiology of Cellular Systems
- Physiology of fungi
- Plant cytology and anatomy (B1060, B1150, B1170)
- Plant Cytology and Anatomy for Advanced Students
- Plant Ecophysiology
- Plant Physiology for advanced students I.
- Plant Physiology Seminar I.
- Plant Physiology Seminar III.
- Plant Physiology Seminar V.
- Population genetics
- Practical course of molecular biology of eukaryotes
- Quantitative genetics
- Seminar (B5311, B7321, B9323)
- Special Immunological Methods
- Special Methods of Microorganisms Analysis II
- Technical processes in biotechnology
- Viral diseases of vertebrates
- Zoonoses