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Department of Geological Sciences
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Kotlářská 267/2, 611 37 Brno, Pavilion 03
Kotlářská 267/2, 611 37 Brno, Pavilion 05 Kotlářská 267/2, 611 37 Brno, Pavilion 11 Kotlářská 267/2, 611 37 Brno, Pavilion 02 correspondence Address: Kotlářská 267/2, 611 37 Brno |
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Courses taught
Autumn 2020 at Faculty of Science
- Quaternary geology (G4121, G4121k)
- Quaternaty geology and Karsology
- Recognition and description of ore-forming processes, minerals and rocks
- Reflected-light microscopy
- Regional geology
- Regional Geology of the World (G7081, G7081k)
- Regional hydrogeology
- Remediation methods
- Risks and remediation
- Rock mechanics
- Rock-forming minerals for analytical geochemists
- Sedimentary basins and oil geology (G9301, G9301k)
- Sedimentary geology
- Selected problems from hydrogeology
- Selection of topic for Bachelor thesis
- Selection of topic for Diploma thesis
- Seminar for publication (G7791, G7791k)
- Stability and dynamics of natural systems
- Supergene Mineralogy
- Tectonics
- Water resources - case studies I
- XRD Difraction
- Základy archeologie pro přírodovědce
Spring 2020 at Faculty of Science
- 3D modelling in Leapfrog Geo software
- Accessory Minerals
- Active participation at international conference
- Actual questions about the creation of minerals
- Actual state and perspectives of palaeontology
- Advanced Palaeontology (II) (G2081, G2081k)
- Advanced sedimentary geology
- Advanced seminary in Petrology
- Advanced tectonic seminary
- Advanced tectonics
- Annual report
- assignment of bachelor thesis
- assignment of diploma thesis
- Assistance in education
- Background research
- Bachelor Thesis - recherche
- Bachelor thesis defense
- Bachelor Thesis I
- Bachelor Thesis II
- Bachelor Thesis Seminar I (G5011, G5011k)
- Bachelor Thesis Seminar II (G6011, G6011k)
- Bc. thesis presented on conference
- Corporate practice
- Course of Geological Documentation
- Diploma Thesis - Recherche
- Diploma thesis defense
- Diploma Thesis I
- Diploma Thesis II
- Diploma Thesis III
- Diploma Thesis IV
- Diploma Thesis Seminar I (G7021, G7021k)
- Diploma Thesis Seminar II (G8021, G8021k)
- Diploma Thesis Seminar III (G9021, G9021k)
- Diploma Thesis Seminar IV (GA021, GA021k)
- economic geology
- Economic geology II (G6061, G6061k)
- Elements of Paleontology
- Environmental Geology (G6141, G6141k)
- Environmental geology
- Field course from mineralogy and geology of eastern part of the Bohemian-Moravian highland
- Field course of paleontology
- Field practice using geocaching
- Fracture analysis
- Gems and their deposits
- Geoarchaeology in practise
- Geochemistry
- Geochemistry I (G5081, G5081k)
- Geochemistry of water-rock-atmosphere interactions
- Geologic legislation (G7931, G7931k)
- Geological disasters and hazards (G8711, G8711k)
- Geological field exercises