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National Centre for Biomolecular Research
Location: |
Kamenice 753/5, 625 00 Brno, Building C04
correspondence Address: Kotlářská 267/2, 611 37 Brno |
phone: | +420 549 49 6744 |
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Courses taught
Spring 2016 at Faculty of Science
- Advanced bioinformatics - seminary
- Advanced methods of biophysics in experimental biology
- Advanced methods of biophysics in experimental biology - practice
- Analysis of chromatin structure - practical training
- Applied Mathematics in Chemistry (C2140, C2141)
- Bachelor thesis II
- Bioanalytics II - Analytical methods in clinical praxis
- Bioanalytics II - Laboratory medicine
- Bioinformatics - Sequence and Structure Analysis
- Biomolecular crystallography
- C Programming for Chemists
- Career management for scientists
- Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modeling II
- Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modeling II seminar
- Design of algorithms in life sciences
- Developmental and cellular biology of plants
- Developmental biology (C8545, S2010)
- Diploma seminar BGP II
- Diploma seminar BGP IV
- Diploma Work II
- Diploma Work IV
- Doing structural biology with the electron microscope
- Field seminar – Structural biology
- Field seminar – The Bio-omics
- Financing of research – training in grant applications
- Free Energy Calculations
- Free Energy Calculations - Excercise
- Friday CEITEC PhD seminary
- Information processing and visualization in chemistry
- Introduction to chemoinformatics and bioinformatics
- Introduction to soft matter models of membranes and proteins
- Journal Club
- Lecture for the scientific community
- Life Science PI Seminars
- Literature research
- Literature study
- Masaryk University Life Sciences Seminar sponsored by CEITEC and ICRC (Bi0011, S5030, XD010)
- Mendel Centre Seminars in the Bio-omics
- Methods in genomics and proteomics
- Methods in plant cytogenetics and cytogenomics II. - practical course
- Molecular mechanisms of cell aging
- Nanobiotechnology
- NCBR seminar
- NMR Spectroscopy of Biomolecules (C6770, C6775)
- NMR Structural Analysis
- NMR Structural Analysis - seminar
- Ph.D. Thesis
- Practical NMR Spectroscopy of Biomolecules
- Protein Preparation and Characterization I - Expression and Purification
- Protein Preparation and Characterization I - practice
- Protein Preparation and Characterization III - practice
- Protein-RNA interactions (C9085, C9086)
- Proteomics - a basic course
- Proteomics - practice
- RNA metabolism
- Scientific data presentation
- scientific data presentation II
- Scientific knowledge and thinking (C4865, C4866)
- Scientific publication
- Seminar of the Dept. Functional genomics and Proteomics
- Separation Methods B (C8022, C8024)
- State exam of the master study programme Analytical Biochemistry
- State exam of the master study programme Genomics and Proteomics
- Structure and function of eukaryotic chromosomes
- Structure and function of protein complexes
- Teaching assistance
- Theoretical Concepts of Biological Magnetic Resonance
- XML technology
Autumn 2015 at Faculty of Science
- Státní závěrečná bakalářská zkouška z chemoinformatiky a bioinformatiky (CZBCI, CZMBM)
- Advanced C Programming for Chemists
- Advanced Methods of Biomolecular NMR
- Applied genomics and proteomics
- Bachelor thesis I
- Bioanalytics I - Biomacromolecules (C7073, C7942)
- Biology of yeasts
- Biology of yeasts - practice
- Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modeling I
- Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modeling I seminar
- Diploma seminar BGP I
- Diploma seminar BGP III