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Department of Environmental Studies
Address: | Joštova 218/10, 602 00 Brno |
phone: | +420 549 49 6417 |
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Courses taught
Autumn 2019 at Faculty of Social Studies
- Environmental sociology
- Environmental Theology (ENS231, ENSb1231)
- Environmentally relevant behavior from interdisciplinary perspective
- Expert lectures (ENS210, ENSb1210, ENSb1304)
- Framework for Sustainability (ENSd0926, HEN670)
- General ecology and landscape ecology
- General Ecology and Landscape Ecology
- Global Citizen and Systemic Change
- Guest lectures
- Introduction to Animal Studies (ENS283, ENSb1283)
- Introduction to Biology (ENS247, ENSb1247)
- Introduction to Environmental Humanities (ENS114, ENSb1114)
- Introduction to Philosophy (ENS115, ENSb1115)
- Introductory course in environmental studies
- Life values of ancient civilizations and environmental crisis (ENS201, ENSb1201)
- Local Environmental Risks (ENS101, ENSb1101)
- Master thesis - preparatory seminar I
- Master thesis - preparatory seminar II
- Participation at Scientific Conference
- Participation at Scientific Conference I
- Participation at Scientific Conference II
- Power, Politics and Environmental Change
- Practicals (ENS105, ENSb1105)
- Practise
- Qualitative research in environmentalism
- Quantitative research in environmentalism
- Research Seminar I
- Research Seminar II
- Research Seminar III
- Research Seminar IV
- Rural Sociology
- Scientific Article
- Scientific Article I
- Scientific Article II
- Social Ecological Economics
- Soft skills for environmentalists
- Stability and Sustainability of the Biosphere (ENS294, ENSb1294)
- The Law and Ecological Problems (ENS109, ENSb1109, HEN449)
- Town and Landscape
Spring 2019 at Faculty of Social Studies
- A Seminar of a Foreign Expert
- Aesthetic Perception of Nature
- Architecture and Town
- Bachelor thesis - preparatory seminar I
- Bachelor thesis - preparatory seminar II
- Basics of NGOs in advocacy
- Biodiversity conservation
- Botanical Review
- Communication of environmental issues with the public
- Contemporary Cultural Dimension of Nature and Landscape - excursion
- Current Issues in Environmental Humanities (HEN900, HEN901)
- Development of Pedagogical Skills
- Discussion about the disertation thesis
- Discussion about the Dissertation Thesis
- Disertation Thesis Preparation - Seminar (HEN910a, HEN910b, HEN910c, HEN910d, HEN910e, HEN910f, HEN910g, HEN910h, HEN910x)
- Dissertation-related Study Topic I.
- Dissertation-related Study Topic II.
- Economic Instruments of Environmental Policy
- Environmental Aspects of Town and Landscape
- Environmental direct action
- Environmental Education
- Environmental Ethics I
- Environmental Ethics II
- Environmental History
- Environmental Organizations in the Czech Republic
- Environmentally relevant behavior from interdisciplinary perspective
- EU subsidy policy
- Expert lectures