Business Management

Follow-up Master's degree in full-time form. The language of instruction is Czech.

The programme can be studied as a single subject or as a single subject with a specialization Business Informatics.

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Admission to Master's degree programmes in 2025/2026 (beginning: Autumn 2025)
Submission deadline until midnight 30 April 2025.

What will you learn?

The programme aims to acquire and deepen knowledge and skills related to information and communication technologies and project management (especially when studying the specialisation). The study also includes the acquisition of soft skills, in particular the ability to communicate arguments and positions verbally and in writing. The study promotes teamwork, in particular by involving students in various projects and group tasks in a large number of subjects. Emphasis is also placed on interactivity between teachers and students and between students and on feedback - in case of studies and in discussions and project defences. The use of the English language is also emphasised.

“Search, Think, Change, Do.”

Students acquire practical skills through solving real-life problems in seminars and semester assignments, through the involvement of experts from practice in teaching and also through their own practice in the company (as part of the course Practice).

Practical training

The study requires students to practice in companies or organisations for a minimum of 160 hours, for which students are awarded credits in the compulsory course Practice (in the specialisation Enterprise Informatics, practice is voluntary). Another possibility to gain practical experience is foreign work placements implemented through the Erasmus+ programme and through the AISEC organisation or the implementation of practical projects within the compulsory elective subject Project.

The internship is closely linked to the Diploma Seminar 1 and Diploma Seminar 2 courses due to the possibility of solving specific managerial problems from practice within the framework of diploma theses.

Further information

Career opportunities

Graduates of the programme are prepared to work in middle and senior management positions in companies of different focus and sizes (graduates of the IS/ICT specialisation), including business management. Thanks to the broad focus of the programme and the possibility to specialise by choosing compulsory electives, graduates of the programme are qualified for various job positions including work in specialised departments (e.g. marketing, controlling, economic department, human resources, sales department, project department). Graduates of the Enterprise Informatics specialisation are qualified for various IS/ICT-related jobs (IS/ICT implementation, IS/ICT management, IS/ICT-related project management, etc.). Completion of the follow-up master's degree in PEM enables graduates to deepen the general foundation of business-management sciences with specialized knowledge and to link it with practical application. Rapidly changing business conditions and increasing competition require managers and professionals with a broad outlook and the ability to apply specialist knowledge to everyday practice. The overall versatility of the programme (including the preceding Bachelor's degree), enriched by the possibility of focusing on one's own preferences and interests, enables graduates to find employment in a wide range of diverse businesses (especially) and organisations and thus represents a significant competitive advantage for programme graduates.

Admission requirements

You can find detailed information about the admission procedure at ECON.MUNI. Contact information: - questions concerning the electronic application form issues: - questions concerning the payment for the electronically submitted application form: - questions concerning of various fields of study, study purport and organization:

Criteria for evaluation

Please see ECON.MUNI.

Recommended literature

Please see ">ECON.MUNI .

Minimum score and numbers of accepted applicants in past years


1 Jan – 30 Apr 2025

Submit your application during this period

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Study options

Single-subject studies

Students have a pre-defined list of required courses, which are supplemented with selective and elective courses. The student pays full attention to the single field of study chosen.

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Single-subject studies with specialization

In the single-subject studies, the student deepens knowledge in the concrete focus of the degree programme and chooses one specialization. The specialization is stated in the university diploma.

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Courses – curriculum examples

An example of your study plan:

Single-subject studies

Single-subject studies with specialization

Follow-up studies

A graduate of a follow-up Master's programme (including a study plan with a specialisation) may (after fulfilling the admission requirements) continue in the Doctoral programme in Business Economics and Management or in another related programme.

Study information

Provided by Faculty of Economics and Administration
Type of studies Follow-up master's
Mode full-time Yes
combined No
distance No
Study options single-subject studies Yes
single-subject studies with specialization Yes
major/minor studies No
Standard length of studies 2 years
Language of instruction Czech

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This study programme is supported from MUNI 4.0, no CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_015/0002418

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