University measures taken regarding COVID-19
- MU is operating following the university traffic-light system. The risk assessment level is currently WHITE. It is not compulsory to wear respirators in all MU buildings.
- All covid-19 policies related to entering the country have been suspended. See also current restrictions in the Czech Republic.
- If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, please use this app.
Important information
MU is operating following the university traffic-light system. The university currently has a “WHITE LIGHT” rating, determined by the MU Crisis Board. University faculties, institutes, and offices may declare a higher alert level than the university-wide level or introduce stricter rules than elsewhere at the university. Follow the websites of individual faculties and the colour-coded signs hanging on the exteriors of MU buildings.
Na Erasmu jsme sledovali digitální stopy zločinů
Poslední ročník bakalářského studia byl pro studenta fakulty informatiky Patrika Mažáriho náročný. A tak si za odměnu naplánoval Erasmus v Portugalsku. Jeden studijní pobyt mu nakonec ale nestačil – hned po návratu do Česka se přihlásil ještě do Itálie.
MU offers new English-language study programmes
More than 1,600 international students study at Masaryk University in Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes in foreign languages. The range of these programmes is constantly expanding: a new one was introduced at the Faculty of Science in September, and three more will start in the next academic year at the Faculty of Economics and Administration and the Faculty of Science.
Masaryk University honours its best scientists
The MUNI Scientist awards for outstanding achievements, publications in prestigious journals or publishing houses and for outstanding research results were presented to 37 researchers and research groups on 11 December.
Scala University Cinema: MU asks city to phase possible refurbishment
Talks on the future of the building that once housed the Scala University Cinema and the Bolek Polívka Theatre will continue next year, representatives of Masaryk University and the Brno City Council have agreed.
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