Lectures of Professor Goodman
5 April 2017
11:10 AM
We invite you to three April lectures of respected expert and philosopher Russell B. Goodmana.
Lectures will be focused on important aspects of our lives, which often neglect the crisis of education, modern relationship between language and behavior and important philosophers.
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The lecture will address how a certain kind of thinking about animals enables us to observe important aspects of life that are often neglected in mainstream discourse and the way we think. The central for the lecture will be philosophers W. James, L. Wittgenstein and V. Hearne.
When: 5th April, 11:10 am
Where: clasroom no. 48 (Poříčí 31) 2nd lecture WHO IS THE TRUE SCHOLAR? EMERSON’S PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION
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R. W. Emerson was the great American philosopher, who worked as a public lecturer even before the onset of universities in the USA. From this perspective, it will be a lecture on Emerson's philosophy of education interesting contribution to the current debate about the education crisis, initiated in our country by Liessmann.
When: 5th April, 5:00 pm
Where: boardroom of Dean´s office (Poříčí 7) 3rd lecture ON WITTGENSTEIN’S LATE PHILOSOPHY
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The lecture will deal with the following paragraphs of Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigation: 1-32; 37; 40-47; 55-71; 75; 80; 85; 88-133. Speaker will monitor how Wittgenstein left his position typical for his Tractaus Logico-Philosophicus and discovered the modern relationship between language and behavior, which culminated in his concept of "life form" (lebensform).
When: 6th April, 3:00 pm
Where: classroom no. 59 (Poříčí 9)
- Further information, photos or videos on the event