Lecture: Marketing Automation in a Nutshell

What is marketing automation? What is the most famous marketing automation platform at the moment?

Answers on these and many other questions you may hear on by our guest lecturer Mr. David Brandejs who comes from Enehano Solutions – Brno, CZ. Mr. Brandejs has extensive experience nested in the CRM and marketing automation sectors. He is currently a Salesforce specialist at Enehano Solutions (www.enehano.cz).

Thematically, our guest will cover an array of topics CRM and marketing automation. The interactive part in form of a Q&A session will follow whereby you are cordially invited to take an active role.

The visiting lecture is organized within the course Digital Marketing and Social Media Analyses and will be held fully in English.

The MS Teams link to connect for a live event is here.

The lecture will be held within the subject  Digital Marketing and Social Media Analyses.

Organized by
Department of Business Management (Faculty of Economics and Administration)
Ing. Dušan Mladenovič, Ph.D.

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