4 Dec Politicising violence - an isotopic case study of human sacrificial rituals in Bronze Age China Christina Cheung from 3:00 PM
4 Dec SPARK Europe Webinar Series - Telik Sory: The rise and fall of a biotech company In this webinar, Dr. Steven Schow will tell the 21-year story of Telik, Inc., a biotech start-up that at one point, was valued at ~$1.5 billion USD but finally faded into obscurity. from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
5 Dec Christmas charity baking sale (Masaryk University Faculty of Sports Studies | MUNI SPORT) Have something delicious and support Liga vozíčkářů (Wheelchair Users League charity)! from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM
5 Dec The value of natural history collections to contemporary discovery and innovation Zoological Seminar Speaker: Kevin Rowe (Museums Victoria Research Institute, Melbourne) from 1:00 PM
5 Dec Lecture: Performance related aspects of energy availibility in athletes (Masaryk University Faculty of Sports Studies | MUNI SPORT) dr. Paulina Wasserfurth-Grzybowska a Helena Engel from 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM