Adaptation and Modernisms: Establishing and Dismantling Borders in Adaptation Practice and Theory

Prestigious conference with worldwide participation.

Keynote speakers:

Thomas Leitch, Professor of English at the University of Delaware, USA: Writing (Film [Adaptation]) History
Lars Elleström, Professor of Comparative Literature at Linnaeus University, Sweden: Adaptation and Modernism in the Light of Media Borders

Conference Chairs:

Petr Bubeníček, Miroslav Kotásek

The Modern, the Postmodern, the Premodern, the Metamodern,and other “modernisms” are concepts deeply rooted within attempts to conceptualise Western and global development in history, politics, geopolitics, economy, and in scientific, socio-cultural, and aesthetic domains. In any attempt to “think historically”or to “look at the bigger picture,” these terms are unavoidable. Different versions of “modernism” are deeply concerned with historical changes and cultural transformations, including adaptation of various kinds. Seeing“modernism” as a continuum enables us to ask questions about what changes and what stays the same across the different “modernisms,”and such transpositions and transgressions can be insightfully analyzed by adaptation studies. The conference ponders how different media, views of temporality, historical periods, and theories of art travel within and across differentkinds of modernisms and how their producers and consumers construct and engage with them. At the same time, the conference attends to how the etymology of “modern” and the accompanying concepts of “novelty”, “the new”, and even “revolution” echo in different epochs and their adaptations, and to what can adaptation studies tell us about their transformation into “norm”, “the old”, and “the Classic”.


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