Medieval Art Today, Why?
25 October 2019
10:30 AM - Hans Belting Library, building K, Veveří 26/28, Brno
A Round-Table Discussion held by international scholars of medieval art of the Mediterranean space and beyond, this roundtable will be dedicated to discussing the present and future of medieval art. Opened to the widest possible audience, the discussion will not be held on theoretical grounds but aims at truly questioning the purpose of medieval art today. What are the reasons to discover, teach, preserve, exhibit, and experience an art so distant and yet so close to the twenty-first century?
Participants: Michele Bacci (University of Fribourg), Francesca Dell’Acqua (University of Salerno), Ivan Foletti (Masaryk University, Brno), Klaus Krüger (Free University of Berlin), Tanja Michalsky (Bibliotheca Hertziana, Max Planck Institute for Art History, Rome), Serena Romano (University of Lausanne) with the participation of Hans Belting (Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung, Berlin). Respondent: Ladislav Kesner (Masaryk University, Brno).
This roundtable is free to access to anyone interested; no reservation required. The discussion will be held in English
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