HUMAIN – on design, humanities, art and artificial intelligence

In 2020, we will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the release of the drama R.U.R., through which Karel Capek gave the world a robot, and 70 years after the publication of the Turing test, by which Alan Turing examined systems intelligence through man's ability to recognize human communication from machine communication. Our daily lives are more permeated with technology than ever before. Artificial intelligence is a phenomenon that can no longer be presented only as a spectacle and an exhibition of robotic hands or as a useful technological curiosity. It is closer to us than it may seem.

The aim of the HUMAIN project is to draw attention to artificial intelligence in wider interdisciplinary contexts and frameworks (humanities, art and design), which have not been fully articulated in the Czech Republic. It is necessary to draw attention to the many perspectives and thematic aspects that already affect and in the future will affect each of us. Artificial intelligence is no longer a matter of technology labs, industrial applications and IT. It is a mirror of ourselves, our values, beliefs and goals. 2020 should be a time for asking new questions.


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