Lecture: Development and Application of Metal Nanoparticles Prepared as Surface Layers

Gas aggregation of metal nanoparticles (NPs) under low pressure opens many possibilities for high-added-value applications, where surface homogeneity, size distribution, and high reproducibility are required. However, reactions on the nanoparticle surface occur even during storage, resulting in changes in its functional properties over time. The basic concepts about NPs generation, possible surface modification tools, examples of successful applications (in material science, biology, medicine, and analytical chemistry), and much more will be presented. We also offer cooperation in the development of these technologies that are interesting both from a scientific and commercial point of view.

Lecturers: Vadym Prysiazhnyi, Ph.D. and Antonín Bednařík, Ph.D. (Dpt. of Chemistry, SCI MUNI)

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