Call for papers - 11th World Environmental Education Congress
30 November 2021

Masaryk University (Czech Republic), AIM Group International, and WEEC Network, in cooperation with Charles University, Ministry of the Environment (Czech Republic) and other partners are pleased to host 11th WORLD ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION CONGRESS (14-18th March 2022).
How can environmental and sustainability education contribute to overcoming the disjunction that is separating people from nature? How can we support a more sustainable, equitable, and relational way of being in the world.
Our Congress will try to help in building bridges between:
- different approaches to environmental education and education for sustainable development
- researchers and practitioners around the world
- formal, non-formal, informal, and community education
- national strategies in environmental education
Our Keynote Speakers:
Franz X. Bogner (University of Bayreuth), Judy Braus (NAAEE), Bruce Johnson (University of Arizona), Karen Malone (Swinburne University of Technology), David W. Orr (Oberlin College), HeilaLotz-Sisitka (Rhodes University), David Sobel (Antioch University), Arjen Wals (University of Wageningen) and others.
Our program:
Parallel thematic sessions: Arts, Ethics, and Environmental Education / Business Sectorand Environmental Education / Climate Change Education /Early Childhood Education / Education for EnvironmentalCitizenship / Environmental Education in Non-formal Settings /Environmental Education in the Anthropocene / OutdoorEnvironmental Education / Place-based Education / SustainableUniversities / Transformative, Transgressive Learning inCommunities / Whole School Approach / Water for Life.
Field sessions (organized by environmental education centres): Participative approaches in environmental education at schools / School as environmental campaigners / Learning by Nature / and many others.
Field excursions / Cross-cutting Debates / Side Events including Youth Congress for young active people from all of the world aged 13-26, who can enjoy various workshops, excursions and lectures focusing on environmental education and active citizenship. Together they will create and present a message to educators and decisions makers on challenges and solutions relevant for young people.
On-site and on-line congress
For the first time in its history, the World Environmental Education Congress (WEEC) is offering an opportunity to also participate in the online environment. The reasons are obvious: the difficult pandemic situation shifted most of the environmental and sustainability education (ESE) events to cyberspace in 2020, and while it is reasonable to expect that the situation will improve in the first half of 2021, the on-line alternative seems to have become a new standard. In light of this, we have decided to offer an on-line option for those who cannot come to Prague.
Important Dates:
Abstract submissions close: 31 August 2021
Registration deadline: 31 December 2021
Share your ideas with experts – Meet your colleagues and get inspiration – Start new partnerships
Weec network:
Abstract Submission Guidelines
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