PhD Student Conference MUNI PHARM 2022

We cordially invite you to actively participate in the PhD Student Scientific Conference MUNI PHARM 2022. The conference is intended for all MUNI PhD students (full-time and combined studies) whose research focus is at least somewhat related to such a broad field as pharmacy. The conference will be held in the following sections:

  • Medicinal chemistry, Organic chemistry, Drug analysis, Analytical chemistry
  • Pharmacognosy, Phytochemistry
  • Pharmacology, Toxicology, Biochemistry, Molecular biology, Genetics
  • Pharmaceutical technology
  • Drug safety and quality, Social Pharmacy, Public health, Clinical pharmacy, Pharmacoeconomics, Pharmacy law, etc.

Students will present their papers in the form of a 10-minute lecture in English, followed by a 5-minute discussion. The presentations will be evaluated by an expert committee and the best ones will be awarded a financial prize in the form of a scholarship.

The conference takes place on Thursday 28th April 2022 from 9,00 at the premises of the Faculty of Pharmacy MUNI (Palackého třída 1946/1, building No. 45). The deadline for registration and sending the abstract is 8th April 2022. The conference is free of charge. The abstract template, registration form, and other information can be found on the website: You can send your question to this email:

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