23rd Joint Meeting of Biophysical Chemists and Electrochemists

The "Joint Meeting of Biophysicists and Electrochemists" is an annual event continuing a long tradition where scientists from the fields of biophysics and electrochemistry meet. Originally a purely electrochemical conference held at Masaryk University in Brno, it has transformed into a multidisciplinary meeting of biophysicists and electrochemists. Now, for the first time, this event will be held in Prague at the J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry and will cover topics at the interface of biophysics and electrochemistry. The successful series of this conference will be organized every year alternately in Brno and Prague.

The main topics in the scope of the meeting are:

  • Electrochemistry and biophysics of molecular (redox) interactions
  • Biosensing and electroanalysis
  • Single-molecule spectroscopy and nanoscopy
  • Molecular electrochemistry and biocatalysis
  • In-silico calculations of molecular interactions
  • Biointerfaces

Please register as soon as possible! The maximum number of participants is limited by the size of the lecture hall at JHIPC.

We also encourage early-stage researchers to participate in the Emil Paleček competition for the most inspirative poster/flash talk.

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