Have you recently been abroad? Tell the university

Masaryk University employees and students are obliged to inform the university about their return from a foreign country if they intend to enter an MU building within 14 days of their arrival. The new obligation only applies to individuals who cannot submit certification of full vaccination or have not been diagnosed with COVID-19 within the last 180 days, as stipulated by the most recent measures introduced by the Czech government.

8 Jul 2021

A trip abroad does not have to be reported to the university prior to the entry as long as the trip did not exceed 12 hours.

The arrival from a foreign country is to be entered in the IS system in the case of students or INET in the case of employees respectively.

The strictest government restrictions will apply to individuals who have returned from countries showing the high, very high and extreme risk on the date of arrival, according to the data on the website of the Ministry of Health. These employees or students are forbidden to enter the premises of the university until they submit negative test results.

The measures are more lenient if an employee or student has returned from a country which, at the time of arrival, showed low or medium risk as per the data on the website of the Ministry of Health. These persons can enter MU buildings immediately after arrival, as long as they have a FFP2 respirator at all times, until they can submit a negative test. If they fail to submit the negative test results within five days of return to the Czech Republic, the employee/student is forbidden to enter the premises of Masaryk University.

Employees or students who have the certificate of vaccination or prior COVID diagnosis entered in the system may enter the premises without restrictions.

Other measures remain as applied based on the measures implemented by the government of the Czech Republic which include, among other things, the mandatory use of respirators on indoor premises of universities. The university is currently at the “white” level of the “traffic-light system”.

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