doc. Ing. Martin Svoboda, Ph.D.
Associate professor, Department of Financial Law and Economics
office: S147
Veveří 158/70
611 80 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 4006 |
e‑mail: |
social and academic networks: |
Office hours
Courses taught
Spring 2012 at Faculty of Economics and Administration
- Personal finance
- Preparation of dissertation
- Preparation of the dissertation
- Research Workshop
- Special Seminar A (MKF_SPSA, MPF_SPSA)
- Study of literature (DXF_GESL, DXF_SLIT)
- Transformation of the Financial system in the Czech Republic
Autumn 2011 at Faculty of Economics and Administration
- Basic Finance (BKF_ZAFI, BPF_ZAFI)
- Basic Finance - seminar (BKF_CZAF, BPF_CZAF)
- Financial Investment (MKF_FIIN, MPF_FIIN)
- Financial Markets (BKF_FITR, BPF_FITR, BPF_FMRN)
- Internship
- Preparation for broker's exams (MKF_PZOZ, MPF_PZOZ)
- Preparation of dissertation
- Preparation of the dissertation (DXF_PDPR, DXF_PROD)
- Research Workshop (DXF_PRES, DXF_PREZ)
- Structured products (MKF_STPR, MPF_STPR)
- Study of literature (DXF_GESL, DXF_SLIT, DXF_STUD)
- The Security Analysis 1 (MKF_ACP1, MPF_ACP1)
Spring 2011 at Faculty of Economics and Administration
- Asset Pricing
- Internship
- Personal finance (BKF_OSFI, BPF_OSFI)
- Preparation of dissertation
- Preparation of the dissertation
- Research Workshop
- Special Seminar A (MKF_SPSA, MPF_SPSA)
- Study of literature (DXF_GESL, DXF_SLIT)
- Transformation of the Financial system in the Czech Republic
Autumn 2010 at Faculty of Economics and Administration
- Basic Finance (BKF_ZAFI, BPF_ZAFI)
- Basic Finance - seminar (BKF_CZAF, BPF_CZAF)
- Financial Investment (MKF_FIIN, MPF_FIIN)
- Financial Markets (BKF_FITR, BPF_FITR, BPF_FMRN)
- Internship
- Preparation for broker's exams (MKF_PZOZ, MPF_PZOZ)
- Preparation of dissertation
- Preparation of the dissertation (DXF_PDPR, DXF_PROD)
- Research Workshop (DXF_PRES, DXF_PREZ)
- Structured products (MKF_STPR, MPF_STPR)
- Study of literature (DXF_GESL, DXF_SLIT, DXF_STUD)
- The Security Analysis 1 (MKF_ACP1, MPF_ACP1)
Spring 2010 at Faculty of Economics and Administration
- Asset Pricing
- Internship
- Personal finance (BKF_OSFI, BPF_OSFI)
- Preparation of dissertation
- Preparation of the dissertation
- Research Workshop
- Special Seminar A (MKF_SPSA, MPF_SPSA)
- Study of literature (DXF_GESL, DXF_SLIT)
- Top Students Centre (MPX_TPS2, MPX_TPS4)
- Transformation of the Financial system in the Czech Republic